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Message ID: 16980
Date: Tue Mar 28 17:36:18 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: Last night...


I had the best night last night. Thought I'd share it with you all.

I log in at my regular time. I'd made plans the night before to return to
Mistmore with my regular group, but I was at the temple of Solussek Ro,
having just made my lambent gauntlets. My group wasn't on yet so I figured
I'd head down to guk and try to pick up another set of shin gauntlets. (I
love the silver plate look) Without even bothering to get rebound (I was
bound in Greater Faydark) I head down to guk. I quickly navigate the twists
and turns till I find myself at the live side entrance and I zone in. Not
being a killer of live froggies, I'm completely at the whim of whoever is
camping the shins.

After I zone in I see a paladin sitting down for a rest right at the zone.
Then I see an OOC... "Healer or Tank needed in Supplier room". My eyes light
up, since I do not have my mask yet, but I figure I'm here to get my
gauntlets. So I run down to the little room before the bridge. Lo and Behold
there is a shin knight sprawled out on the floor with no one around him. I
bend down and loot him and Cha Ching, there are the shin gauntlets I've been
looking for. Woo Hoo, says me, mission accomplished. Seeing as how that went
so quick, I send a tell to the guy in the supplier room, but he informs me
that the spot has been filled.

Well, here it is, a whole 10 minutes later and my group hasn't showed up
yet. :¬ P
So I head up to Upper Guk to camp the Giant Heart Spider while I wait. Once
our druid gets on I'll have to run over to Feerrot, so I wanted to be semi
close. I'm hanging out at the heart spiders with a level 16 enchanter.
Playing clarity for him during his downtime, fishing while waiting for the
next place holder to spawn. 20 minutes go by, 40, 60; finally the enchanter
decides to log, and my party still hasn't shown up. Well, no use in my
sitting here the whole time waiting for them. I decide to head down to the
Bedroom in lower guk. Seeing as that room is so volatile in regards to it's
members anyway, I figure it won't be a problem for me to leave when my group
shows up.

I zone into lower guk, and broadcast my oh so familiar tune... "Is the
assassin camped?" Seconds later I recieve a tell informing me that it is
camped but they could use more people, would I like to join?" Hell yeah. I
make my way to the BR and try to get an invis to undead, but no luck. I try
to sneak past the GIBs, but there are 2 wizzies waiting at the bridge to
make my day very sad, so I head back to the BR and convince them to pull the
GIBs and wizzies for me. 10 minutes later I'm in the supply room with my new

I was clearly the lowest level person in the room. It was a level 43 cleric,
level 41 paladin, 39 druid, warrior (red to me, but I don't know what
level), a 39 enchanter and me a level 34 bard. I'm a little nervous that I
won't live up to expectations, but I know I'm a good bard so I put it behind
me. Also having the enchanter there made me feel better.

Things are going very well and we are plowing through the mobs. 4 tal and
wan wizzies on one pull, 5 GIBs on another. I'm having a great time and
making some experience too. Next thing I know, I'm face to face with the
cavelier! Woo hoo, we take him down in less than 5 seconds, roll and the
cleric wins the epolets. My first slaying of a lower guk named. :¬ )

Now I'm feeling settled in and the Supplier spawns along with a wan wizzie
and a tal knight. Time for another roll. Rolling on 1 to 1000, I roll a 996
and win the light burlap sack. At this point, I'm having a great night and I
vow not to leave this room till I pry the mask off the face of the assassin

As the night goes on we kill many of the nasty froggies including a zol
wizzie and a dar knight that seemed to have an endless amount of hit points.
Our puller was in fine form as he managed to later pull the Savant (who
dropped the mace) among the seemingly endless amount of froggies. I was
indeed able to get my mask last night, making me the happiest camper around,
and also freeing me up to help all my friends camp all the stuff they've
been drooling over.

All told our pickup group left with 3 sacks, 1 Serrated Bone Dirk, 2 Masks,
1 Enameled Black Mace and 1 pair of Adamantine Epolets. We almost had the
Sentinal also, but we didn't get to him in time. Defintely one of the best
nights I've had in a while.

Draelon Stormsong
bard of the Tribunal