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Message ID: 17004
Date: Tue Mar 28 23:47:32 BST 2000
Author: Bradley Luedtke
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Cazic Thule AOF advice

>>Well, it seems our rogue needs a Ravenscale BP and some boots. So here I
am asking for advice camping the Avatar of Fear in Cazic Thule. So far I've
spent a ton of time in the courtyard and a decent amount of time at 4C, top
and bottom. I've also been to the gator pools (green and blue) and the
throne room. Specifically I'm curious what dangers to watch out for (besides
the avatar himself) and any advice in so far as what songs if any are highly
effective or ineffective. (party is rogue, druid, warrior, bard and possibly
enchanter and mage, all levels 30-35)

Draelon Stormsong

Assuming the room is clear and your group can walk in and claim the room,
you can all meet up in the room directly off the AOF room. This will be
your camp room. Use invis to get there, the only thing capable of seeing
thru invis would be the AOF himself if he's in the bubble. If he is there,
you can use the back entrance to the sewers. Hopefully, the AOF is NOT
there right off, because it'll be a helluva job of clearing the AOF room.
Start by clearing mobs in the sewer room directly behind you. Pull to the
camp room. This will make your lives easier down the road in case of any
runners. You WILL be fighting multiple mobs, so having the enchanter with
you will be nice. I always charm if there's 3 or more mobs (and no
enchanter)... the rest of the party should obviously be assisting the main
tank. I'm assuming you guys play together all the time, so you know how to
work together. :)

After clearing the first sewer room, you'll want to clear the bottom of the
AOF room. (Let's assume AOF isn't there) Again, pull to the camp room.
Here you'll want to try staggering the spawn. Kill the AOF PH last if you
can... and keep him charmed for a minute to give yourselves some extra time
next cycle. You WANT to be fighting the AOF alone. :) After you've killed
the AOF PH, you'll pull from the sewers again, when ready. After at least 5
minutes have gone by, you'll pull the 4 mobs on top of the Green Bubble.
Give yourselves enuf time after killing the AOF PH before killing these mobs
so they don't spawn on top of you while you fight the AOF. This is very
important, because you will be fighting the AOF in the Bubble room. (He's
the only mob you will fight outside the camp room)

Keep an eye on the spawn timer, I believe it's 20 mins in CT. You'll want
to kill the sewers and mobs below the green bubble as they spawn, making
sure you're ready for the AOF spawn. There is 1 mob that spawns in the camp
room that you can use as your "Timer" if you are able to kill him first.
When he spawns, you'll know to start the process over. (I believe he
wanders, so it might not be as easy as it seems to make sure you kill him

He's a level 37 SK and like all SK's his harm touch is a bitch. 2 Bubbles
of Bard life, if I remember correctly. 2 1/2 - 3 bubbles of Enchanter or
Mage life if they take it by mistake. When he spawns, everyone should
collect in the hallway between the camp room and the AOF room. The warrior
should enter the room first, drawing attention of the AOF and drawing his
HT. Fight him in this room. The most important thing at this point is
SNARE. If the druid can't stick snare, then you will be ONLY playing
Chains. He runs early and if he's not snared when he runs, you're screwed.
It's difficult to chase him thru the camp room and into the sewers. Too
many corners to get a snare off. If the sewers are camped, you might
live.... But, too many times our party has been wiped out trying to chase
him down. Anyway, he might make it to the first sewer room while snared,
which is why it's extremelly important to make sure that room has been
recently cleaned out before tackling the AOF. Also, the lizards on top of
the bubble will sometimes be healers, making it nearly impossible to kill
him if they are there.

Both the AOF and the BP are rare. You guys might all be 35 - 40 before you
leave, if you're unlucky. :) On a side note, this isn't a bad spot to go
thru 35 AND 40... Exp is great and mobs are plentiful. :)

If the room is camped when you get there, it's obviously easier once you can
get into the group. Usually there is a waiting list, and you can put ALL
your party on it and just work your way into the room.

As far as Bard songs go, there is really no difference here than anywhere
else in CT. You can use AOE songs in the camp room without worry.

Darkfox Reven'tsol