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Message ID: 1701
Date: Wed Jun 9 21:31:16 BST 1999
Author: David.Lynam@xxxxxx.xx.xxx
Subject: Bards N Plate and people's opinions

From what I've seen the bards in Everquest are nothing like the "bards" of
the celtic tribes as you describe them here. The bards of everquest travel,
sing songs, and play instruments. They are in fact travelling musicians,
which you said the celts were not. I could handle bards wearing chain in a
roleplay situation, however, not plate. This is my opinion, and I feel both
sides need to be expressed with minimal sarcasm (which is why i appreciated
that post, not nearly as much sarcasm). It's understandable that most of
you want to retain the ability to wear plate, but I fail to see a valid
argument from a roleplaying point of view for the allowance of plate on
bards. This is not to say that I'll not wear plate, because I'm not THAT
commited to convictions. -=)


> From: firehawk@...
> Okay that's it I've about had it my fellows of song. It's time for a
> reality check. I roleplay.. the fact that I have a bard since day one
> release and am only level 13 attests to that. Infact I have on more
> then one occasion parited with groups above my exp gain level for the
> sole purpose of helping them and recording their first visit to a new
> Unlike many I'm willing to bet I also sing sea chanties on boatrides,
> make little poems for each of my songs (lyrics) etc. I also game,
> I have fought wisps till blue in the face (anyone else pissed at the
> now turned burned out lightstone bull?) and have kited,soloed, grouped
> and twisted with the best of them.
> I'm tired of seeing this roleplay plate mail talk and quite a few others,
> let me give you abit of backround. The EQ bard seems to me best compared
> the CELTIC bard. It's important to understand the Celtic bard as opposed
> what we have come to call a bard. The religion of the celts being Druidic
> was split in several sections with three primary universal among the
> The preist/mage type the ones we typically see in flowing robes and call
> that most RPG's consider. The judge section Gaelic Brehon (sp) who
> clan law and succession issues. And the Bard who recorded the histories,
> the tales, taught the faith, ran the messages, recorded the liniages etc.
> The celtic bard was by no means some weak pansy musician, nor a figure to
> lightly. The bard seldome directly fought in wars but was certainly often
> trained in arms and would often run into situations in his travels where
> was needed. In the period Plate was not an option and so from a
historical point, the bard would not have worn plate, however the Celts did
invent chain
> and that being the strongest of the time would have worn that if they
> access it (bards of the stonger clans) so there is no reason to say they
would reject plate.