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Message ID: 17203
Date: Fri Mar 31 19:14:17 BST 2000
Author: Jennifer McComb
Subject: How many threads can I witness in one hour?

Hello all,

It's been a little while since I've posted. I was previously playing a
half elf bard, 11th song, named Jerrilia, on Luclin. Because I enjoy
trade skills, and Jerrilia was just too dumb for them, I've now started
a new bard, Adagia, who has now made her way to the 10th song, and
progressing nicely on her baking skills.

Anyway, I found her adventures last night to be rather amusing. Over
and over I kept seeing examples of current discussions on the mail
list. I started the evening in Steamfont, near the minotaur caves. I
met a higher level druid who was sitting and healing himself (about half
health). Although I'm sure he had means to heal himself, I invited him
to my group so I could play the hymn for him. While grouped and
chatting, I found out that he also had a level 10 bard and wanted to
know if I'd like to group with his bard. Sure, sounds great - I needed
a hunting partner.

(twinking) Well before the druid camped, he handed me some lambent
gauntlets to give to the bard. His bard was a self admitted twink,
thanks to the druid. After a bit, the bard showed up, and it was pretty
obvious he was twinked. Here was this level 10 wood elf bard, dressed
head to toe in bronze. I gave him the gauntlets, and he very graciously
gave me his old bronze gauntlets. :) They look nice on Adagia, but I
think they are too heavy, I'll probably just stick to banded for now.

(weaving) Time to fight. I pull some mob (harpy or something) and we do
ok, but I notice the only song icons I see are my own. After the
battle, I asked the other bard if he knew how to weave songs. No. Time
for a lesson - he does now.

(take your beating) A few battles later, a diseased rat decides to join
in and starts hitting us while we were already down on hit points. The
rat really liked the other bard and his hitpoints were getting a bit
low. I pulled out a harder hitting weapon and started playing the hymn,
in hopes of pulling the rat off him. Unfortunately the other bard kept
running around in circles pulling the rat out of my view so I would
miss. He said "attack it!" and I replied "stay still" and then he
died. sigh. When he came back I explained to him how it is better to
stay still, stop fighting and take the beating so I could pull off the
mob. We didn't have any more trouble after that.

All in all, I had a good time with this bard. Once he learned a few
basics we made a great team. I just chuckled everytime I saw an example
of one this list's recent discussions. Oh, and the best part - just
minutes after commenting on the lack of minotaur horns on the minotaur
slavers, and right after saying I needed to camp and could only fight
one more mob, I spotted a slaver with a horn in his hand! I now have my
own horn. Can't use it yet, but it was fun getting my first dropped
bard item. (The other bard already have one, courtesy of his druid :)

Adagia, Bard of the the 10th song