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Message ID: 17238
Date: Sun Apr 2 17:09:20 BST 2000
Author: Lyrnia Jongleur
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bards abilities redefined was: Attack speedups

> > Incorrect. At level 34 a Ranger can kick for up to 23 points. Kick
> > recycles about every 10 seconds. So no, this is incorrect.
> our bellow at level 34 is 18dmg. how often can we do it, every 6 seconds?
> (god i feel stupid i don't know this but i haven't bellowed other than for
> pulling for 9 months). anyway let's say 6 seconds, so in a minute we can
> 180dmg, and in a minute a ranger can do 138dmg with kick

The point made was that we could do more twisting bellow every 3rd song. In
that case we are doing far less than the ranger. I know Bellow does more
over time, but twisted with 2 or 3 other songs a melee class will do more
with kick/bash. Bash also has the added bonus that it interrupts casting.
Kick is more like bellow though
in that it is just straight dmg (with a tiny knockback).

> > Now, as to this comparison of Melee dmg. Why are we
> > comparing our 2nd rate
> > dmg method to other hybrid's 1st rate dmg method? Our #1
> > damage producer is
> > our songs. Our songs vastly outdamage any hybrid's damage
> > curve when used
> > correctly. If I twist CoC, DDD, CoD, NiV with my 50 bard on Test I do
> > damage very comparable to what a ranger or paladin or
> > shadowknight of equal
> > level can do. Add to that my ability to regen mana for
> > others, heal others,
> > speed others combat up etc. I'd say that Bards are not
> > nearly as bad off as
> > many seem to paint us.
> a combo of songs is very powerful, but wouldn't you say the big downside
> that being AE we have to attack multiple targets with them (and thus get
> pounded on by multiple mobs), and they have a very high resist rate
> similarly levelled mobs (especially at 50). whereas meleeing has the plus
> of not being resisted (in a sense, no you don't always hit and don't
> hit for max) and being on a single target. i'd love some single target
> damage songs, and i heard our chant songs were recently really fixed, so i
> may break those out and give them a try.

As with anything, that depends vastly on the situation. There are many
times when I can fight with our AE songs just fine against 1 target.
Against 2 targets (at least till the mobs are over 37) I charm one, then
kill the winner :) I rarely have a hard time making my songs stick on
anything that isn't deep (5+ levels) red to me. And _any_ caster has to
deal with resists. Bards are more of a caster hybrid than a melee hybrid.

> >
> > Bottom line: Bards are not a melee class in the classic
> > sense. Yes, we can
> > (and should) get in there and mix it up. But no, we aren't
> > meant to be up
> > there swinging swords all the time. 90% of the time our
> > songs are our best
> > weapons.
> >
> nod. nice thread, and i like hearing your point of view as you've been in
> the game for so long, even if we all don't agree all the time.

Hehe that's primarily what this game is all about. Points of view.

Personally I think we need more defensive skills. IMHO: Our offense is
fine. I can solo blues as well as any melee class can. I can contribute
more to a group than any melee can. But I cant defend myself worth a darn.
Bards need dodge cap raised (significantly) and we should at least get parry
as well, if not both Parry and Riposte ;) It's on test now, hopefully it's
going to stay in for Kunark (not holding my breath and I still think thats
WAY too late to be adding those).
