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Message ID: 17949
Date: Tue Apr 18 16:40:14 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Solusek Eye and the Lava Elemental

There are 4 spawns in the internal area where the LE spawns. 4 clockworks
and a wanderer. The wanderer has a roughly 20% chance of being the LE. The
LE himself has a real nasty damage shield (worse than the efreeti) so I
highly recommend that your shaman cancel magic on him until the shield is
gone. (it's unlikely that the druid will be able to get the cancel magic to
stick given the level disparity) The LE is about level 38, so don't expect
to get much to stick on him. Focus on party buffs. (psalm, anthem, hymn)

Clockworks come in several varieties. They are all named "CWG Model xx"
where the last two letters indicate the level range and the ability of the

The first letter is level:
C is the easiest, usually level 28-30.
M is the medium, 30-32.
X is the hardest, 32-34.

The second is the special ability:
A is a regular warrior, no special abilities.
B has a force module, which knocks you way back when you get hit.
C has a frost module, which procs a weak cold based dd spell when it hits

The gnome owners of the clockworks come in several flavors as well:
- Miners are typical warrior mobs, ranging from level 29-33 or so. They seem
to have low str and ac, making them pretty easy kills for their level.
- Curators are cleric monsters, ranging from 30-33 or so (I have yet to see
one cast Superior Heal). They aren't too difficult, but annoying because
they are clerics. Even if you are amiable, they will heal any gnomes you are
fighting, although they won't actually join the fight.
- Conjurers are magician monsters. This means they almost always have a pet
and a damage hield. If you plan to melee them, make sure you bring something
to dispel their damage hield. They also nuke a little hard. And they have an
annoying habit of damage shielding any gnomes that are near them or pass by

Also be warned that gnomes and their clockworks can see through bard invis.
(as can goblin shamans and wizzies)

I'm not a gnome killer so I can't give you much info on resist rates and
such, but I do know that clockworks hit hard. I would definitely let the SK
pull. I think you'll get beat on a lot if you pull. I also think that the
odds of landing lull are low given that most things will be yellow or red.

Draelon Stormsong

-----Original Message-----
From: roleplay@... [mailto:roleplay@...]
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2000 11:19 AM
To: eqbards@onelist.com
Subject: [eqbards] Solusek Eye and the Lava Elemental

Greetings I am in need of some bardic tactics and advice.

Some friends and I want to take on the Lava Elemental in Solusek Eye. Can
anyone give me any advice
on how best to approach this mob and his surrounding friends? I know there
are 4 CWG's around and
either a 5th wanderer or the Lava Elemental. But I have seen nothing on the
web of how to approach
him. And few people I have spoken with seem to know.

The group will be:

Bard (me) Level 29 or 30, depending how much I get to play, but lately the
Steel Golem area in Cazic
has been a level every 4-5 hours. :-)..
Troll Shaman Level 41 and Pet.
Troll SK Level 40
Ogre Warrior Level 34
Hafling Druid Level 31.
Maybe another Cleric if they can make it. Only level 26 though or anyone
else we can pick up.

Questions I have:

1. Can I lull pull to get 1 or 2 at a time? I have never killed a CWG or a
gnome but the evils have.
2. Will I be able to stun the mobs or do I need another couple of levels?
3. I know the CWG's are very resistant to Magic and mostly melee but can
they be charmed?
4. Can this group take and hold the room?
5. Any other advice? My spell selection will probably be Psalm, Hym, Charm,
Pixie, Anthem or Chant,
Lullaby, Lull, and Group invis.

If you would rather send it to my home email feel free as I am asking for
some spoiler advice.

Ranian Aeleroth

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