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Message ID: 18478
Date: Thu May 11 14:33:32 BST 2000
Author: Sylly Songsynger
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Race to 60 (OT)

More FoH second hand rumor (but hey, it was on the internet so it *must* be

>> Early wensday morning Elderan Lotuswood member of
>> Fires of Heaven from
>> Veeshan and a ranger obtained level 60 becomming the
>> first player to do so.

>What a farce eh? Fyi it was a 'race' between Furor (1
>account, 4-5 people playing it) and Elderan (1 person,
>4 PC's and accounts)and FoH and their cronies seem to
>think its some kind of major accomplishment.. it shows
>nothing other than an unhealthy obssesion, addiction
>and *way* to much spare time.

I can understand mixed feelings about this guy (and this guild) in their
relentless pursuit of power (level - which in eq is power.) Foremost, I
guess it's their right to do what turns them on and gaining levels
apparently does - even at the cost of many hours of boredom. To do it in
17 days, I guess he did little else and what he did he was pretty good at.
I was pretty low in 50 when Kunark released. In the first week or so, I
made 51 but then have been stagnent (playing my secondaries mostly) but I
guess I need to get going and make 52.

As for uber-guilds, my guild has about 60 level 50's. Some of them are able
to be online most anytime of day, ie they are in college or in between r/l
jobs. So, if the server resets and we feel like a dragon, we have a pretty
good chance of getting one. It was not always that way. A few months ago,
we did not have enough ppl to mount a dragonn raid and we would take guests.
When we finally had enough to do it all guild, we did not have enough 50's
in enough planes gear to make it as easy as it is for us now. So, we got
smooshed few times and learned stuff. But my point is, doing large guild,
multi-group things is no small effort. All too often, you end up with 20+
ppl waiting for one person. One time we sat for 2+ hours waiting for ppl to
login for a planned plane raid and ended up cancelling it due to lack of the
right ppl (ie not enough clerics or not enough tanks whatever.) So, when I
hear that they are organized and ppl know where to go and what to do, that
don't sound all too bad to me - heh. An over bearing, military style
attitude oth does not sound too delitefull.

I still end up doing dumb stuff. My wiz broke camp in Gfay and heard some
guy shouting for a loc of the brownie guards so he could get his corpse.
Hmm, this guy must be really lost (he's a level 8 gnome wizard.) So, I go to
help him and we confirm no corpses in this zone and set out for Lesser Fay.
We hug the zone and see the brownie villiage. I invis us and he goes to get
his corpse. Invis drops or he tried to loot it and he dropped it and they
attack. I try to gate us and he dies in 2 rounds and my wiz dies before the
spell is done casting. Sheesh. My wiz gates back to gfay and I log Sylly
on the other PC. Then the gnome goes LD. We wait 20 min and no gnome. So we
set out and as we are about to zone, the gnome is back. So, we go back and
get him and yada yada. Sylly ends up dragging the corpses to the gfay zone
so they can loot in peace <g>. Total waste of time - in fact a loss of xp
for my wiz but a great adventure and a happy little gnome (who wont be
visiting Lfay for 10 or 20 levels prolly <g>).

There is great fun in doing things "first" and we have some firsts in our
guild on our server (Miriana's guild has lots more). The relentless pursuit
of being first is not all that apealling. Finding some middle ground is in
itself difficult. What FoH is doing, seems to me to be the right thing for
"getting there first." Powerlevel an A-team. Power up the rest. Go to new
zones when you are at the top of the food chain (as high a level as you can
get) and have the best gear you can get. But the way they do it may not be
what everyone enjoys in terms of fun.

Sylly Songsynger
<The Pantheon>
Bardette of 51 songs
... somewhere on Innoruuk

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin L. Crawford" <Lyrnia@...>
To: <eqbards@egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2000 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Race to 60 (OT)

> Heh hard to believe you haven't heard of FoH ;) They're the most infamous
> guild in the game ;)
> They live on Veeshan. Fires of the Heavens. Very powerful Uber Guild.