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Message ID: 18788
Date: Thu May 18 21:08:20 BST 2000
Author: jhenders@bogon.com
Subject: Re: Bard Armor was ([eqbards] GZ answers some bard questions)

On Thu, May 18/00, "Reece, Tom CPT- 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...> wrote:
> Howling Stones is super high level dungeon that requires each person in the
> group to have a key to get inside. To get a key you supposedly have to spend a
> lot of time camping a greenie mob. I believe Verant said they were gonna
> increase the drop rate on the keys. If you've been following the corpse
> recovery dabate recently, this dungeon was part of the ordeal. Apparently six
> 50+ people went to Howling Stones to explore it. I believe they were the first
> group on their server to do so. To there horror, there were six level 50+ mobs
> waiting for them when they completed zoning in. Since they weren't able to all
> zone in at the same time (lag, connection speed, etc), each one of them got gang
> raped by six mobs as soon as they completed zoning. So all six of them now had
> corpses in a zone that required a special key to get into. That meant they all
> had to camp the greenie mob again to get the keys. And since the six mobs would
> still be there, they would have to treat this like a Fear break and get a lot of
> other people to help them with CR. This meant camping the key for those people
> as well. This all took a lot of time and they were concerned that 24 hours of
> online time would pass before they were able to get keys for everyone. Not
> certain how this issue was resolved but I believe a GM gave them 12 keys so they
> could do CR. No idea what happened after this.

That was on Tarew Marr, my old server. Unfortunately, TM has a very
unsympathetic server GM compared to other servers like the one I'm on
now. I believe he had to be ordered to even give them the keys by higher
ups at Verant after they publicized their plight. I know that GMs on
other servers take a lot more flexible approach to their customer
service, especially with design flaw/"features" that the live team

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