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Message ID: 18875
Date: Sun May 21 06:59:26 BST 2000
Author: harmonie moonsong
Subject: irritation at yet another senseless death

I know very few of you are on Bristlebane, but I wanted to tell a
story of someone who does not seem worthy of grouping with Bards. I
was in a group by the green pool in cazic thule (where stone golem
spawns). The group leader, a ranger by the name of silverwinde is
not someone I will ever group with again. The puller pulled the
stone golem and three alligators, (dont know if on purpose or not) We
proceeded to hack away at stone golem while i mezzed the gators. The
druid memmed evac "just in case" and we fought away. The wizard died
rather early on, and since i was busy full time with pixie strike on
the three gators, I was not able to keep healing up also, (perhaps i
should be able to I dont know) I twisted it in on ocasion, but did
not keep it going full time. The stone golem was under a bubble when
our druid called out oom, Silverwinde had taken significant dmg and
required several heals as the other ranger and warrior did not seem
to be able to taunt it off him. He died shortly after druid called
oom. I was under two bubbles of health at that time and died seconds
after Silverwinde. Up to this point I had no problem with
Silverwinde, we were all trying to make the best of a bad situation,
perhaps he should of stepped back or stopped swinging a second to let
the other ranger or the warrior take some damage, but who knows...
All in all, everyone died, except the druid who used spirit of
cheatah and made the zone.

We all proceed with CR. The wiz casts invis on me (since Verant in
there infinate wisdom requires shari's sonorous clouding to have a
wind instrument present) and we proceed down to my body (We being
wiz, 2nd ranger and me) I have no clue where silverwinde is and the
warrior is getting a teleport back, so no longer in group. Druid
(only survivor) apologized and had to log. Wiz casts invis again
while i loot my body and then says afk. I wait by silverwindes body,
ask if he wants it drug to zone, ask if he wants me to sing invis
while he loots, etc... no he doesnt want me to drag, he will get it.
Thats ok by me. I am just getting ready to run up to courtyard and my
invis wears off so I fire up my song and away I go. Silverwinde shows
up about that time and asks me to turn off my song. I said i would
if he would camo me. (MY BIG MISTAKE, I should of just disbanded). He
said ok, there were no gators nearby, so I dropped invis and he
immediately got hit, then I did. Im running / swimming for the zone,
while they all beat on me and I died trying to find the place to swim
up. just too many gators all on me. As Im dying, Silverwinde

This is why Im grumpy with silverwinde. If i hadnt dropped invis at
his request, I would of been fine. Then to top it off, he says its
my fault. Yes, I did a foolish thing, but it was at the request of
the party leader, who presumable knew the area better than I. (it was
the first time I had fought down there) And he says "I HATE BARD
SONGS". I was so mad, I just said Bye and logged out. Now I off for
second corpse retrieval.

Sorry for the long tale of a personal problem, but I needed to vent
to someone, and I figured you would all understand.
Harmonie Moonsong
Bard in training for the 29th chorus