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Message ID: 18885
Date: Mon May 22 15:48:26 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Some Guk questions

Shin Gauntlets drop off of Shin Knights. Any Shin Knight will do. The
highest concentration is near the zone on the live side, so I'd suggest
going there. On my server, this area is severely undercamped.

Shin Greaves drop off of Shin Ghoul Knights. Again, any Shin Ghoul Knight
will do. I'd suggest hunting in the Bedroom of the Dead side. This room will
prove to be a little tough for you, so I'd wait until you hit 30. On the
plus side, this is an awesome place to get through 30. The exp is non stop
with a good puller and generally spots open up pretty quick because there
are no good drops here. Also, if your puller is good, he'll pull the Basalt
Gargoyles as well and you could land yourself a Basalt Carapace.

If you're not interested in fighting for your stuff, then I suggest buying 2
invis to undead potions. Use one to go to the Bedroom (BR). Wait until
greaves (and or carapace) drop. Then use the other to get out. Usually the
ramp leading down to the BR is clear, so you may not even need the potions,
particularly if you are on an older server.

Mask of Deception drops off of the Ghoul Assassin. At level 30 you can
easily hold your own in this room. Directions from the zone to the dead side
of lower guk...

Zone in and follow the hall. At the first fork (just down the ramp) turn
right. Continue down the hall till you come to the water. Hop in the water
and go right. Follow the tunnel until you surface. Now you are in the
Bedroom. At this point you should get invis to undead, you will need it.
There are 2 passages leading out of the Bedroom. Take the left one and
plaster your ass to the left hand wall. At the end of the passage is a small
room and a passage leading to the left. Turn left into the passage. (You are
hugging the left wall to stay out of agro range of the Vampire Bats since
they see through invis. Once in the second passage you want to hug the right
hand wall. Literally. You should be scraping your armor and making
horrendous sounds. You are doing this to avoid agroing the 5 Greater Ice
Boned Skeletons that also see through invis and invis to undead. At the end
of the passage you will see some stairs and a big open chamber. This is
commonly referred to as the bridge. Go straight accross and through the
arch. You are now in the tower. Take the first left (it's the only left) and
head staight. You will see a ladder. Go up the ladder and you are in the
Store Room, home to the Ghoul Assassin and the Ghoul Supplier.

Good Luck, it's a harrowing exp the first few times. But soon it will be

Draelon Stormsong
Bard of the Tribunal

-----Original Message-----
From: Papa Legba [mailto:legba@...]
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 2:11 PM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: [eqbards] Some Guk questions

I finally dragged Elfson away from Kunark (went from 20-26 in about two
weeks!). Feeling confident, (25 was the first level I reached without
dying since 5, 26 was the second) I began my search for some lambent
armor. After some unsuccesful searching, I decided to come here with
some questions...

Basically with all these peices, I'd like to know is there a specific
mob (IE the Shin Knight down the hall from the preist room) or will any
mob of that type drop the item I need. Also any other advice you could
offer for getting them would be great. (like where to find them) (Most
of these peices are out my reach right now, but my guild has lots of mid
30's casters dying to get me to 32, so they are very eager to help me
get my lambent, (I assume they want me to get my butt back to ROK for
more levels))

Dark Boned Bracelets (Greater DB skelly in Unrest)
Shin Greaves (Shin Knight, upper guk)
Shin Gauntlets (Ghoul Shin Knight, lower guk)

Also since I am in Guk, I am trying to get the Mask of the Deceiver.
The person camping it on Saturday was willing to let me loot it, but I
could never find the room. How do you ge there? Will I make it with

Well thanks for the help :)
We now return to the non-stop rock.

Matt DeBarger

Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.
Remember the good 'ol days

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