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Message ID: 18897
Date: Mon May 22 18:55:07 BST 2000
Author: Adam Wasserman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Some Guk questions

1) yes, singing any song will break your invis to undead. However, singing
invis isn't strictly necessary. there are few live mobs on the dead side,
and in the case of most (bats, bugs) they see through invis anyway. As for
the invis song interacting with caster invis, this seems to change with the
week. Sometimes it works no problem in my group, sometimes it causes huge
problems. At this point, we seem to have given up on caster invis. Bard
invis is much easier...
a) it never drops at the wrong time (being refreshed every 6 seconds is a
good thing)
b) inherant see invis
c) forces party to go slow, so party sticks together
d) doesn't waste caster's mana or spell slot
e) takes 3 seconds to get the whole party invised, vs 6 casts of regular

2) my experience has shown that you can have invis and invis to undead at
the same time, although the order is important. I think you need to cast
invis first, then invis to undead. However, this was about 20 levels ago, so
things may have changed recently.

-----Original Message-----
From: Perhaps a Princess... [mailto:sarah@...]
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 12:15 PM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Some Guk questions

>You can get invis to undead potions to supplement your invis or go with
>someone who can cast it. Or go with someone who can revive you

Um. 1) If you are singing a song, doesn't casting any sort of
invisibility on you get canceled by the next pulse of the song?
(The Invisibility is canceled, the icon stays up. Windsong's been
killed by someone with invisibility walking through her song radius,
then out again, blissfully thinking he was invis, and he wasn't. The
train killed both him and her)

(And no, you can't have both Invisibility and Invisibility to Undead
cast on you by someone else. The spells overwrite each other. Only one
is allowed)

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