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Message ID: 19058
Date: Tue May 30 17:03:13 BST 2000
Author: Sylly Songsynger
Subject: Sebilis Weapon


Spent a lot of time in Old Sebilis over the weekend. Back to the Pyramid
and Crypt and Emperor's Tomb. Among the stuff we hauled out was a
Journeyman's Walking Stick (although it looks like a mace rather than a
stick - go figure). It's 1HB, 9 24, str, int & wis +4 and effect: Tashani.
Our group debated the worth of this thing and they mostly "poo-poo'd" it
(since it was not 'uber' wep.) Well, I told them I would be happy to have
it - having neglected my 1HB since putting away the old Staff of Writhing 10
levels ago.

Heh, here is the good part. JWS in primary hand, weave Chant of Battle
(+dex) and Fufill's (-mr), the stick proc's nicely and the combind -mr
allows my Yk in my offhand to stick a proc on the Emperor! Heh, the Yk has
some value again. Nice to see a wep proc (Yeksha, since Tash is not
resisted usually) on a *red* mob (Emperor Chottal)!

I guess you could switch JWS to offhand as soon as you see it proc (Tash is
a fairly long lasting effect) and get they Yak in the main hand so it procs
sooner and more often since its 75 DD each time it procs.

Other than that, we did manage to down the Ancient Jarseth - he's a meanie.
Long melee for us (3 bards, chain & fear) after he killed our wizard (no one
had charm loaded nor could get him off the wiz quick enough.)

We went into Chardok. Met a level 51 at the zone. He seemed to be bugged
(ie someone prior had pulled him to the zone and he was 'stuck' there -
since we did not expect such a high level mob right there) but we killed
him. The other zone patrollers and statics were not that bad (we had heard
horror storys.) And we clear around to the zone out. The monk pulling for
us brought some stuff from the first building. After we got the easy ones,
he began to complain about "chain agro" and was not able to bring out
singles. Eventually, I think we zoned out after pulling a bit more than we
could handle (no enchanter was along and there were too many for me to do
effective crowd control.) Another zone with nobody in it.

Oh yeah, we were working our way out of Crypt in Old Seb when we encountered
what would normally be a 3 pull of krup froogs. As the group talked about
what to do, I asked to try my lull (lament) and they said 'sure' since we
had 2 enchanters and normally just pull all 3 and deal with it. They were
rather amazed to see the lull work so well. We might have been able to walk
past them with out agroing. The first one pulled almost right on top of the
second lulled mob and he just sat there. These are level 54 enchanters who
are not easily impressed - but Lament impressed them that time.

And finally, I spent some time cleaning out the bank account. Decided to
go do the crafted armor quest with a griffon eye. Bought 2 Fire Emeralds in
FV and teleported to NK. Went to see the Centies and even made him tell me
about the quest. But when I gave him the stuff, he gave me the "aren't you
forgetting something" for the eye (which I expected) and then nothing for
the gems. Sheesh. This is the 2nd time in a month that I have failed doing
crafted armor quest. Other one was for crafted bp - lost the werewolf talon
and rubys. Grrrr. Of course, I petitioned and was told "sorry, can't
replace items... send email to ..." Anyone else know anything about the
crafted armor being bugged somehow?
