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Message ID: 1924
Date: Mon Jun 14 21:45:53 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn
Subject: Close call

I had an experience last night similar to the one Roop posted about a week
or so back. IIRC, after a battle, Roop was poisoned and knocked unconscious
while at the same time singing the Hymn. He kept alternating between
between unconscious and conscious as the poison and Hymn kept battling it
out. For Roop, the Hymn eventually won out. Here is what happened to me.

My group was fighting orcs in the Oasis near the zone border to North Ro.
We were generally fighting two at a time but the guy who was pulling
accidently pulled five at one time. During the course of the fight, things
started turning sour so I started singing the Hymm of Restoration. At that
point, a couple of orcs began to team up on me. The group leader yelled for
everyone to zone. I was down to one bar of health. As I was backing up to
the zone border, I got whacked hard and was knocked unconscious. A split
second later, the Hymn pulse kicked in and I regained consciousness.
Apparently the last hit from the orc just barely knocked me to unconscious,
and the Hymm pulse raised me to just above 0 health. I was pressing the
Down arrow key the whole time so when I regained consciousness, fortunately
for me, I zoned into North Ro and survived.

After saying thanks to Bristlebain, I wondered if this was a bug (shouldn't
continue to get song effects if bard is unconscious) or just another benefit
to the natural effects of all bard songs, (i.e. they continue to produce
effects even when the bard is no longer singing them). Should I /bug this
or just be thankful that I didn't die.
