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Message ID: 19441
Date: Tue Jun 6 23:10:44 BST 2000
Author: Reece, Tom CPT- 25IDL G4
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Test of ...

In specific terms I was referring to the "Test of" events. If they are
geared towards rewarding the best bard on the server, then IMO level should
not be a factor. Gonna use your analogy against you but I prefer baseball
instead. I played baseball in high school. I wasn't good enough to play in
college or professionally. Those who did have the talent to be MLB players
reaped the reward of lucrative contracts. There is nothing wrong with that
and in no way should I expect to receive any special consideration because I
wasn't as good as them. Compare that now to EQ. Achieving 50th level is
primarily a function of time available to devote to the game. You could
have absolutely no clue how to play a bard well and still make 50th level.
You may end up dying more than other bards but can eventually make 50th
through perserverance alone. I've been playing my bard (my primary
character) since 11 April 99 but only have 35 days played. I just don't
have as much time to play as others. Thats a fact of life as well and
something else I can deal with. The players who can devote the time
necessary to attain 50th level are rewarded by getting to go to places that
I can't (high level dungeons, dragon/plave raids etc.) But there are a lot
of 50+ bards who do not know as much about the bard class as I do. So who
is the better bard? A lower level bard who knows how every song works (even
though he can't use some of them yet) and when to sing them or a 50th level
bard who may not have a clue what songs should be sung in a certain

Let me end this with saying that I'm not trying to say I'm the best bard on
E'ci. There are a lot of good bards on the server (Kitasi, Reed, Faras and
Aloro from this list come to mind) who are just as good or better than me.
But if Verant is going to hold a special event and reward only one bard on
the server then I would like a fair chance to compete in it. The only way
to do this is to rule out character level as the main criteria in judging.
To not do so is a slap in the face to every casual gamer who plays EQ.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Sue [mailto:jsue@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 11:35 AM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Test of ...

At 09:05 PM 6/6/00 +0000, you wrote:
>You've taken what I said out of context. The issue was the GM driven "Test
>of" events going on. Apparently the only people who can win the events are
>the level 50+ folks. Kitasi and I were both agreeing that GM events should
>be geared towards a specific level range. For example, if there is a GM
>event in GFay, which is a low level zone, then the only people eligible to
>participate and receive any potential reward are those people in the level
>range the zone was designed for. But Verant doesn't do this. If they hold
>an event in GFay the entire zone will be full of level 50s trying to kill
>the GM controlled mobs.

are you speaking of all gm driven events or just the test of events?

the test of events seem geared towards higher level players, no doubt about
that. is there anything inherently wrong with that? not really. i may
like basketball,
but i don't expect to be able to play in the NBA.

>In a perfect world GM events would be focused on roleplaying and not
>the GM controlled mobs. To my knowledge this has only happened once on
>(Chula the cleric got the Butcherblock Hammer (artifact) as a reward when
>the GMs voted he roleplayed better than anyone else participating).

the ones i've been a part of have been this way, as i posted in my other

> >Galtin of E'ci