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Message ID: 19948
Date: Wed Jun 21 18:08:04 BST 2000
Author: Kevin L. Crawford
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Player wipe on Test

Ya know...

I love when someone who played a character to level 10 or so on Test makes
this blatant statement. It was never stated that we should expect
completely un-announced pwipes on the Test server (not that that really
matters) it was accepted and expected that we would suffer rollbacks and
level loss and xp loss and item loss and item changes. This we endured.

It was also accepted and expected that we would receive no GM support
whatsoever. Despite all that many of us played and played to very high

The reason people were not expecting a Pwipe and the reason I think a pwipe
is utterly stupid on Verant's part is there are places in the game that can
ONLY be tested by high level players. Do you really think the HOLE is going
to be adequately tested by Verant? Do you think Kunark would be as trouble
free as it was without us, the testers over there, finding literally
HUNDREDS of holes in the world where people would fall through and die.
Where people would recieve horrible faction hits with their own guild?
Where items would literally kill you if you picked them up? (yup happened!)

I agree. Pwipes are certainly an option that Verant was, and remains, free
to exercize. But I fail to see how that helps them in the long run when
dungeons like the hole, a dungeon specifically slated for levels 40-55 is
about to go into testing (in fact it WAS in testing on test server) and we
have nobody high enough level to play in it?

Also you just casually dismiss the fact that the players who played Test as
their primary source of EQ are PAYING $10 a month. Just like you. And they
get no thanks or compensation other than "oops, sorry we deleted you".

I'm sorry. No offense Sylly. You're an intelligent guy but your attitude
and absolute lack of compassion leave me cold. Sorry, playing to level 16
gives you NO perspective on what it takes to level to 50 on an
underpopulated server that had (when I played regularly) about 20 level 50's
on it at all. It was 10-20 times harder to do a planes run and infinitely
harder to do dragon runs. Yet you casually say "a pwipe is no big deal, you
should have expected it". No, we were led to believe it wouldn't happen.
In fact it had *never* happened in the two years I have played EQ.

Personally yeah I'm a little upset about losing my character on Test. But I
had friends there that ALL THEY DID was play on Test. And no, it states
NOWHERE that the test server might be subject to pwipes. In fact Gordon
specifically stated, once upon a moon ago, that he felt it was highly
unlikely that Test would ever get wiped due to the need for high level
testers. Many players, at that time, decided it was "Safe" to play on test
because of that statement.

Granted he didn't make a 100% guarantee (heh like Gordon will EVER promise
anything 100%) but many people considered his words as such.

I know, personally, of at least 20 players who were avid testers who have
cancelled their EQ accounts already. I'm not going to quit but I will not
be going back to the Test server.

And no, they've never done a pwipe before. Ever. Even in beta there were
no pwipes. The only "wipe" was from Beta 3.5 to Beta 4 and we were all
allowed to have our characters restored from backup onto the test server
during Beta 4. So, effectively, there were never, in two entire years, a
player wipe. Get your facts straight before you make a post of this type.

Lyrnia Jongleur
Bard of Norrath

> Um. That is part of playing on Test. It is one of the things you agree
> to. I played on Test for a while (Faesong started there got a bubble or so
> from 17 before I decided to recreate her on Sol Ro) It was accepted that
> Verant could do anything they wanted with
> Test. Its not a production server. They HAVE done player wipes before.