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Message ID: 20090
Date: Wed Jun 28 18:29:36 BST 2000
Author: Jeffrey Sue
Subject: RE: [eqbards] grouping thread on the Everquest boards

At 08:58 AM 6/28/00 -0500, you wrote:

> > >It's just that I have basically given up on grouping with
> > the enchanters.
> > >It's nothing but a big headache. There's really not a whole
> > lot I can do if
> > >my tanking is sub par and I can't use any songs that might
> > awaken his mezzed
> > >mobs. So long as I can find a group that doesn't have
> > enchanters in it I
> > >can do very well. Sometimes it's hard to find a group
> > without one and
> > >that's when the suggestions begin.

well i was hoping that he would list his level so i could just post a song list
that would be very enchanter friendly and pretty effective, but he seems to
have ignored it, so maybe i just run through all the levels starting with 20 or
so. i'm assuming a twist of 3 songs and average weapons.

so at 20, let's see. how about anthem, hymn of restoration, and bellow for melee fights,
anthem, hymn, guardian rhythms vs casters? if you're fighting nonstop with tanks using
2 hand weapons, you might want to load jig, along with selos, lament if you're breaking a
camp, invis for avoiding trains, etc. so that would be anthem, hymn, bellow, guardian, selos,
jig, lament, invis.

at 23, you can swap chains in and play anthem, hymn, chains for melee and anthem, hymn,
guardian for casters, but switch to chains at about half health to prevent runners. so now song
list would look like anthem, hymn, bellow, guardian, chains, 3 of selos/jig/lament/invis.

at 25 you get psalm of warmth, a damage shield that stacks with every other damage shield.
at this point, if your enchanter has enough mana, you could let him haste the tanks and go
with hymn, chains, psalm, or you could still do the haste and start with anthem/psalm/chains
and swap in hymn later or, well, there are lots of options now.

at 26 you get fear, which is useful for getting a head start when getting out of sticky situations.
it doesn't really apply to this discussion, but i mention it because it will take up a song slot.

at 27 you get charm, which means you can now back up the enchanter with crowd control. on
pulls of 2 the enchanter can just debuff while you charm. on pulls of 3, he can use the single mez
instead of ae mez. this also can help pull a mob off him when it frenzies on him after it breaks
either charm or mez.

at 28 you get pixie strike. also useful for short term mezzing a mob after it breaks whatever the enchanter
cast on it to give him a chance to recast a mez or charm.

at 32 is clarity, stacks with enchanter clarity, takes up another song slot.

36 gives you another speed song, altho the enchanter is probably taking care of that now.

38 gives you your second targetted dot. now if you want, throw the drum in and you can twist bellow, fufil's
chant, and chant of flame.

39, second charm song, just as useful as the first one.

40, you can start debuffing damage shields and shield skins that some higher level wizards cast on themselves.

46, third targetted dot song. now you can really lay the smack down on those mobs.

47, nivs, this is pretty cool. usually in my groups i will sing the 50 combat buff, hymn and nivs with a lute. we
take almost no damage. 5 of us killed a bok and ended the fight at full health without the cleric ever having to
cast a heal. this has the added side effect of allowing the enchanter to heal up between mez breaks without having
the cleric cast heals on him.

so all these songs are great with an enchanter, and help the group immensely. the great thing about the
bard is that they can do so many different things depending on the composition of the group. an enchanter
is just another group member to complement.