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Message ID: 20269
Date: Tue Jul 4 08:49:36 BST 2000
Author: Melaniel
Subject: A Bard's Lament

Alas not a poem or a song, but a few of my thoughts and experiences
from this past week, and a hope of input from my entertainers-in-arms
around Norrath.

Apologies for the length, but I'd love to hear everybody's thoughts on
this, and hopefully just to call me stupid.

I've been making a big push to get myself to 47 after a little nagging
from my constant cleric partner, and from some guildmates so I can
make an entrance to the planes, with a good xp buffer.

After a week's holiday from work, I made it through that desperately
bad 45th level, and another week on, only yesterday, I heard that
final ding into 47. However, it's at this point I run into a little
crisis of confidence, although maybe it had been coming since that
45th week.

Allow me to ramble a moment, in no particular order .....

I read the interesting comments on the list about a bard's role in a
group, and the flexibility and freedom of choice from a wide range of
songs that can contribute to a group's success. And I couldn't agree
more, that was one of the reasons I became a bard in the first place.

But right now I worry that the benefits of a bard in the group are
something that not too many others appreciate. And on a more alarming
note, 2 different people yesterday made a comment after we'd finished
fighting asking "What does it mean I am no longer berserk?". After
some explaining, they realised that was a song message wearing off.
But to make it to 50+ and not ever know that bard songs are temporary,
or even see that message before?

Are there so many people out there that have rarely grouped with a
bard? Or have they simply required (and got) an extremely weak tank
with constant clarity?

Well, to make my way through 45 I finally took the plunge into Lower
Guk. I'd successfully avoided the place until now and found it very
enjoyable. It's probably a lot quieter than the heyday, though!

I found myself, unfortunately, as the list holder for the Frenzy
group. As the names piled onto the list, and it grew to 34 people
waiting to get in (about 80% were caster types!) I began to think a
little about what classes would be best for the group.

Now it's obvious to say that wherever I go there's a bard in the
group, but as I thought about it I wondered at what point would you
add a bard in preference to another class. Particularly when spoiled
for choice as we were. And I began to struggle wondering what exactly
I brought to the group other than being an admin assistant with a mana

The melee types were all buffed to max by clerics and enchanters. The
casters all had their clarity. Damage shields were handed all round
by the druid, who also took care of snare and zapped when needed. So
there we were, 2 tanks, a cleric, an enchanter, a druid and me. What
did the group benefit by having me above, say, another caster or melee

Yes I added a bit of haste, a bit of damage shield, more clarity, some
DOTs, a bit of weapon damage. Some magic resist when the casters
appeared, the option to fear everything in case of an evac, an option
to charm, and a stamina boost for the long fights.

And yet I barely needed any of those. Casters are taken down too fast
to get a zap off, and are constantly stunned or mezzed in any case.
My damage shield is barely enough to notice on top of the druid and by
the mobs being mezzed all the time. I've never needed to charm with
an enchanter in the group, the DOTs are nice but very much under
appreciated outside of the class (and resulted in once a few levels
ago someone saying that I have to tank a bit, soon to be sternly
corrected by me), my haste is not even understood (see earlier
comment) and again appears a little weak alongside those enchanters,
long stamina fights become less of an issue when everything is mezzed
and the group can rest, and aside from the fear insurance policy,
clarity is the key benefit. In which case, were even those benefits
too subtle to make a difference above, say, a big wizard zap, or an
extra living shield to protect the casters.

I have the feeling that while we are perhaps the most flexible class,
with a wide variety of songs that mimic magic, we are given them at
such a low level as to be of only the slightest benefit to the group.
We can fill a gap quite well with that flexibility, and yet does that
not imply that we are therefore only acceptable to a group if there is
a gap there already? Constant second-class wanderers? I'm only glad
I can sometimes bring a little light relief (and copious amounts of
alcohol) when I join a group to make myself a good fighting companion.

Perhaps I am suffering a little of the green eyed monster as I see my
cleric companion being thanked, praised and encouraged to make 49
whereas I am simply the quiet little girl sitting in the background
playing something that they don't understand and generally just
tolerate. Hmmm, now I am being stupid.

Ah well, thanks for letting me ramble in any case. I'm struggling
with the feeling that even though there's been many a time when people
beg me not to leave a group, and I've made some good friends (perhaps
all too few) who can appreciate what I can bring and the effort it
takes to twist 3-4 songs constantly.... I can count on a couple of
fingers the number of times I've heard "Oh yes, we've got a bard now!"
In my early 30s for some strange reason I seem to recall.

After that final ding to 47 yesterday I enjoyed a little time with my
younger sisters (an enchanter and ranger). Have I simply got the high
level blues? Have I had an unlucky week grouping with entirely the
wrong people? (A bit of a disappointment as many of those I mention
are guildmates, no names disclosed though)

So that's got my gripe off my chest, I hope everyone doesn't mind me
offloading it into a fairly safe environment among some supportive and
understanding fellow bards. After much enjoyment through my career up
to now, I worry that I've passed my peak and burned out my voice
singing the high notes while getting beaten up. And yet I don't want
to retire, I have plenty to give ... just few people seem to realise

Take care everyone.

Melaniel, Wood Elf Bard (47)
...expert bard, novice brewer, hardened drinker and terrific flirt

Mith Marr server