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Message ID: 2033
Date: Thu Jun 17 19:38:35 BST 1999
Author: silky@xxxxxx.xxxxxxx.xxx
Subject: Not only for bards - but boy, oh boy (long)- bandits in lesser faye

Perhaps this is only on my shard (Veeshan) - or perhaps this zone seems so
quite, not a lot of people realize what we have in lesser faydark. *I*
would probably never have known had someone not taken me here in a group
about lvl 8 or so. I am now lvl 17 1/2 and am STILL making exp here - LOTS
of loot, and more importantly - getting some of the skills that have been
lagging behind topped off so I am in a good position to continue. I've also
used this spot to help lesser level folks level pretty quickly - keeping an
eye on them and letting them pick off the easier ones - throwing in with
just enough help on fights with bellow, and my taking on the stronger ones.

Doesn't seem a heck of a lot of folks know about the 2 bandit camps in
lesser faye - or how incredible they can be for skillbuilding and cash

I've heard that the nybright bandits supposedly spawn between lvls 10-13,
errrrm - the other day, while still lvl 16 - one conned white to me - and
all the sisters seem to con easier than they really are - and even NOW, at
17 - I still can raise skills and get SOME experience off of a lot of greens.

The other camp only has 3 NPCs - and is located over towards the pixie
tower. Same thing there.

If you are prepared - either yourself or with an appropriately sized group
- and hunt either of these camps smart - and have a bit of patience,
everyone benefits - heh, except the bandits of course.

Nybright Camp

While both camps spawn at a decent rate - nybright has 4 sisters and a deep
ravine in front. The very best way I've found to hunt nybright is to pull
them one at a time down into that ravine. These sisters are highly
aggressive once you've killed a few dozen of them, be sure not to stand too
close to the tents - or the tree to the right of the camp - one spawns
there. They also have VERY wicked backstabs - don't let one get behind you.

If you want to practice your throwing for free - nearly every kill has at
LEAST one rusty dagger, just keep it and toss it at the next one.

As a bard, my normal hunting method of nybright is to (lull the others of
course if more than one - you CAN get the spawn spread out to singles with
a little work) bellow at the edge of my range with melee activated, just as
soon as it hits - run backwards - I can usually get in at least 3 bellows
before they even close in for melee. Once you advance in levels - the
easier ones will of course run - this technique also keeps you from having
to chase them so far behind the camp if they do (presuming no one can root).

Nybright also has a woodelf outpost very close to it - makes selling a 3min
round trip proposition. Only folks I've seen that have had a problem with
the outpost are barbarians, like kelethin - they don't fit thru the door.
Just be wary of the leg camp near it, if you follow the ridge - stay on the
far side, I've never had a problem.

Some things to watch for - if you've been wacking fairies or faye drakes,
the fayedrake ruin is very close to the camp - and those things can be
rather nasty in the numbers they are present. Especially if the monarch or
emperor shows up. Fairly high level fairies also frequently fly thru - for
both these reasons, I don't use any area affect songs here.

These girls have graciously provided me and my husband both with the funds
for full banded armor - his shaman spells, me a combine longsword and
bloodstained mantle - etc. In short, even with a lot of people there, I've
been known to make 20 plat an hour. Sometimes it's slower, sometimes better
- but at the levels we are talking, I just don't know any other place with
that quality of loot, for that level of player. At least not in this corner
of the world.

These girls often have a necklace (lore item) on them, collect all 4 - go
find the drunkard in kelethin and hail him as 'Tanard Nybright', he'll then
talk to you vs. begging money for booze, and give you an item. I've done
this 4 times, best return of loot for this quest was the first time I did
it - a damask bracer, other three times was pretty much junk.

Patience is the key - don't get discouraged with a few bad loots (rusty) in
a row. For one thing, although I NOW destroy those, I trotted to the
outpost and sold them for a long time. Their cash isn't too bad either, and
they fairly often carry bronze weapons, gems and jewelry - all worth
between 1 - 4 or 5 plat each.

It's a nice feeling to be on the way home, and encumbered with cash

Now, the other bandit camp seems similar - except you don't get NEARLY as
much junk (rust), If you see one of these carrying a rapier or spear IT IS
bronze. They too carry gems and jewelry. A lot farther from the outpost, I
usually just hunt there till I am full, and then call it a trip and go
home. There is a huge hill overlooking this camp, I use the same technique
here, just pull them over the hill. The other camp also has wandering
cents and an occassional skeleton - so watch your mages backs while they
are medding.

I am in a happy place now - still hunting these for skills - am at 17 1/2,
and my dual is nearly maxed out - my dodge and defense are nearly maxed out
- and I'm planning on working on piercing and throwing there - which I've
NEVER touched at all.

If you are ever on Veeshan, and see Adory there, say howdy.