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Message ID: 20570
Date: Wed Jul 19 19:36:56 BST 2000
Author: Bill Costlow
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Re: Mages soloing..... err Grouping?

At 18 I had too many missed notes to solo effectively.
At 19 I soloed aviaks ... altho I did have some
trouble here and there because they do stun a lot. I
also went to EF and soloed snow orc shaman and a few
mamouths. sometimes you'll need to throw on selos and
bellow a few times to soften the mobs up a bit.

For the record, I was wearing banded and maybe some
bronze at the time. Normal instruments as well.

--- "Kimes, Dean W." <dean_kimes@...>
> I'd love to know how you solo'd effectively at
> levels 18-22. For me the few
> times I tried it was death unless I could find a
> blue "oracle" type caster.
> No chains, No fear. Sure DDD, and CoD do decent
> damage but avoiding adds
> was impossible nearly at that level range. Now had
> Lullaby been working I
> imagine I could have pulled it off, but those levels
> were horrific for me
> because it was basically:
> Log on, do /w friends all, /w armigers all.
> If no one in my area, Log off and log on as
> secondary.
> I found that soloing those levels was nigh on
> impossible, and grouping with
> pickup groups was even more suicidal. Invariably
> I'd die 3 or 4 times and
> end up barely breaking even for the evening.
> Biggest problem for me at
> those levels was that if anyone in the group screwed
> up, the instant result
> was 1 dead bard. Didn't matter what the screwup
> was, bad pull, out of
> control pet, linkdead tank, etc. End result was 1
> dead bard and possibly 1
> or 2 other deaths.
> Soloing at 27+ has been possible, even fairly
> comfortable, but that long
> stretch from 18th to 23rd was painful.
> Kitasi
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin L. Crawford [mailto:Lyrnia@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2000 10:53 AM
> To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: Mages soloing..... err
> Grouping?
> > First of all, it's bad players, not bad classes.
> Period.
> YUP!!! Agreed 100%
> > If you take a Bard who's soloed his way to 50
> (/laugh), I'd be willing to
> > bet he's not a very good group player.
> Actually the Bard is the 2nd or 3rd best Solo Class.
> Especially after level
> 26 and 27. And even before that you can easily solo
> any blue with a well
> played bard.
> > So, Mage's, Necro's, Druids
> > all have a slight disadvantage in that they can
> solo, so they might
> > not pick up the group acceptable behaviors along
> the way, while Bards
> > are generally forced to group and thus forced to
> figure out HOW to
> > group.
> See above. Bards are, hands down, one of THE best
> solo classes in the game.
> We are also one of the best GROUP classes. My bard
> can out-solo a magician
> any day of the week until a magician hits level 40
> or so.
> Your points are valid regarding players who solo
> rather than group. However
> I dissagree that casters have a harder time learning
> to solo. Bards are
> easily as powerful (and in many cases far more
> powerful) as any caster at
> Solo play except perhaps the Necromancer and Druid
> classes yet we learn to
> operate in groups just fine. Many people, even
> bards, don't realize just
> how powerful we are as a Solo class. Even Druids
> and Necros have a hard
> time soloing hill giants. Yet a bard can do it
> easily enough starting at
> around level 30 if we have 2 giants.
> I agree completely that it's the player, not the
> class, that makes ANY
> character good, or bad, in a group. I have grouped
> with good magicians, bad
> magicians and the whole range in between. Same goes
> for EVERY other class
> in the game, including bards. In fact, I'd honestly
> say, I've met more bad
> bard players than any other class barring Necros.
> (And they DO have a
> harder time learning to group because nobody wants a
> necro -until recently-)
> Lyrnia Jongleur
> Bard of Norrath since Beta 2
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