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Message ID: 20894
Date: Wed Aug 9 14:00:29 BST 2000
Author: Mike Merck
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bravura question

It lasts 9 seconds if not resisted. It works on any mob that is lower level
than you up to level 52. It's a very powerful song. The charm series is one
of the most powerful tools at our disposal. If you haven't purchased it, you

You chain cast it - mixing other songs in and fighting with weapons (after a
bit of practice and setting up your hotkeys) - recharming your pet after it

Other practical uses:

Pulling - works in alot of good ways. One that comes to mind is getting that
casting mob back to your group without it getting a spell off. Also, makes
it easy to pull mobs that deviate from following you and jump onto other
players or groups.

Taunt - An almost sure-fire way to get a mob attacking you when you
absolutely need it too.

Escape - charm, /pet guard here, run like mad. You've got a 9 second head

KS'ing - Mean old, anti-social wizard is being a bully? Charm the Ancient
Cyclops and watch him spend his mana blasting your immune pet.

Crowd control on multiple pulls - charm a baddie and send it after another
that is not engaged by the group. Now you've got two mobs tied up while the
group fights a third.

Duels - nothing funnier than posting a screen shot of your buddy saying you
are his master.

Kiting - charm that mob and let him do your dirty work for you, while you
run around burning wood or Lake Rathe way out ahead and safe.

Save the crucial party members buttocks - Your enchi is going down and can't
get a mez to stick? Charm the baddie and give him some breathing room.

> From: "Bill Mann" <dabard@...>
> Reply-To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2000 12:54:32 -0500
> To: <eqbards@egroups.com>, <eqbards@egroups.com>
> Subject: [eqbards] Bravura question
> With Bravura's nerf a while back (due to someone charming Cazic Thule lol!),
> it seems to me that it would be, funadmentally, the same as Sirens. (I am 39
> now, but have yet to go buy the damned thing, so I don't know it for sure, but
> I can't see VI making a bard song that lasts longer than 3 seconds)
> If this is so, why are we still charged a mana cost for it? If not, could
> someone please explain the difference(s) (aside from not having a level 37
> cap ;p )
> -=B=-
> 39.5th and Climbing
> The Rathe
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with
> the subject submissions.