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Message ID: 21113
Date: Sun Aug 27 19:05:36 BST 2000
Author: Daniel Sniderman
Subject: Plane of Fear

Did my First Fear Raid last night. Have to say was one of the most boring
nights I've ever had in Everquest. The Plane had been broken early Saturday
morning (I believe they said at 9:30 AM CDT) and I got there in anticipation
of a respawn at approx 9:30 PM EDT. I left at about 3:30.

We saw maybe 2-3 dozen mobs over the course of about 5.5 hours camped there
and no Bard stuff Dropped. I was the only Bard - so it would have been nice
if I got a couple of Imbrued.

Anyone know any details of Respawns? The folks there were expecting a
major spawn at between 12-14 hours - but we saw nothing of the sort.

Slyde Katzenjammer
Just Dinged to 48