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Message ID: 21128
Date: Mon Aug 28 16:56:34 BST 2000
Author: blitz_krieg@bigfoot.com
Subject: Re: Plane of Fear

<snip> How does one go to an already broken Fear plane and not expect
to be bored off his ass? The only time I could see this being even
remotely exciting is if a GM showed up and re-popped the entire zone
at once, which they would only do if some mobs were bugged. <snip>

Maybe because they haven't been there before and don't know what to
expect? Some people are *gasp* just approaching the level limit of
the planes for the first time in their first character. They never
had the opporunity to find the planes uncamped, unfarmed, with a
population less than 40... And, you know what? They likely never

<snip>If you want an exciting experience, try not farming Fear for
once, and instead breaking it open on a full pop. You might actually
have a challenge *gasp* and fun. Instead of seeing maybe 2-3 dozen
mobs in 5.5 hours, you will more than likely see 2-3 dozen mobs in
your first couple hours, depending on how efficient your raiding
party is. Not only will you kill a lot more in less time, but you
will see more loot drop in a shorter amount of time. Last time I was
on a Fear raid, we saw no less than 8 drops in the first hour. It
reminded me of the candyland that was the original Fear plane
opening. <snip>

Maybe because as you say below, it's camped 24/7 and there's no way
to get a zone full of mobs to experience the "fun" of breaking fear.
If you want to go, you join the "farmers".

> People farming Fear and then wondering where the fun went baffle me.

Better-than-thou attitudes and people who flame others for asking a
question baffle me.

> This reminds me of a running joke some friends have about farming
Fear (if this offends any of you, oh well):
> Lleluvyn says, 'Hail there hardy adventurer, would you be
interested in [Farming The Plane of Fear]?'
> Kruegen says, 'How do I farm the plane of fear?
> Lleluvyn says, 'It is an easy task, done by many! Simply fetch me
[a shovel] and [Treasure bag] and we can get started! There is a
> Kruegen says, 'What is the reward?'
> Lleluvyn says, 'Ah! The reward you ask? The reward is free [phat
lewtz] with no risk other then [/random 100].

It neither offends me nor even comes close to making me laugh. It's
just not funny.

/Rant on

At such a critical point in EQ for Bards (the response to Chains and
testing of Lullaby), you'd think this list would have a flurry of
activity and discussion going on.

IMHO, it's responses like this one that's taken this list from over
1500 posts a month to 329 so far this month. This used to be a list
free of flames and free (for the most part) of people stroking their
egos. These days, you can barely go 2 threads without one or the
other popping up.

The result? People find other places to communicate flame free. I
won't advertise those places since I'd risk spoiling them.

/rant off

Darkfox Reven'tsol
52 Minstrel, Xegony