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Message ID: 21145
Date: Mon Aug 28 19:22:50 BST 2000
Author: Kevin L. Crawford
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Plane of Fear

Generally speaking I just ignore folks who post anything about 'breaking'
fear being the 'proper' way to do things. It's a zone, like any other.
It's designed so that getting IN is hard. But it's not designed
specifically to force a re-break. If it were the entire zone would respawn
at the same time.

Break or not break doesn't matter. Folks like Sartori just like to pretend
that you didn't "earn" your time in fear unless you broke it. It's an ego
thing nothing more nothing less.

Me? I've done it both ways. To be honest I could care less if a guild did
a fear "Break" or "farmed" repops. Either way is fine by me. Get your
gear. It's pretty needed in the later stages of a game. I would say that a
player with planes gear is about twice as effective in a group as one
without it. The added AC/MANA/STR/whatever is a huge bonus. (why else
would everyone want planes gear?) And it even helps when you're trying for
Kunark armor because you have that extra AC/Mana to take on those tougher
harder dungeons.

Criticizing people for how they choose to get their gear is stupid. They
pay $10 just like the next person. How they play is up to them just like
how you play is up to you. Sure farming repops is BORING, that doesn't make

No offense.. Been there, done that both ways. Neither is right or wrong,
just different.

If ya wanna go, go, don't worry about a damn "break". 99% of the time on
the big servers the plane is already broken unless there's been a server
reset anyway.

Lyrnia Jongleur
Bard of Norrath since Beta 2
----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Sniderman" <fuzzbone@...>
To: "EQ Bards" <eqbards@egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 11:57 AM
Subject: FW: [eqbards] Plane of Fear

> second attempt - seem to occasionally have problems replying even though I
> fixed prior problem..
> Slyde
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daniel Sniderman [mailto:fuzzbone@...]
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 10:19 AM
> To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Plane of Fear
> Sartori - I just turned 48, and I'm in a small guild. But again - I just
> turned 48 - never been on a Plane or Dragon raid. I know nothing of Plane
> Raids: Fear, Hate, Air, Breaks or Respawns except for whets been posted on
> this list - and the Backstage Forum. And let's face it - there hasn't
> much discussion of it.
> I had no idea WHAT to expect. I was there to learn. I don't recall any
> discussion here of how respawns work in Fear and what to expect. No one
> promised me any treasure - no one called it farming. I was simply asked
> I wanted to "join a raid on fear". I posted my experience and asked a
> question.
> I would love to participate in Breaking Fear. It occurred at 7:30 AM my
> time while I was sound asleep (I am a professional musician and was
> until 12:30 the night before - had dinner with the guys in the band - got
> home at 3:30). As soon as someone invites me to break fear - I'm in.
> not like I can organize one myself having participated once in a respawn
> never been on a break...
> I posted what I posted to find out if this was typical; to find out what
> items do in fact drop there and to ask how the respawn works. I posted
> for all the other Bards who've never been invited on a Fear Raid to know
> experience AND HAVE SOME IDEA WHAT TO EXPECT! (I sure didn't). No one
> they were farming treasure - no one promised me anything. The only thing
> was a general belief that things start to respawn in numbers after a good
> 12-14 hours. They organized 4 full groups expecting to need them all.
> I appreciate the information you posted, but I found your post to be
> patronizing, sarcastic and even insulting. It seems to me that over the
> time, this board has been declining in tone. I worry that we are getting
> the point where people are going to be afraid to post something without
> being jumped on. It's not surprising the number of people who have
> disappeared from here and stopped posting. It shouldn't be a crime to be
> wrong; and even worse - to have an opinion - and my God - asking a
> Slyde
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jay schultze [mailto:sartori69@...]
> Sent: Monday, August 28, 2000 6:31 AM
> To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Plane of Fear
> How does one go to an already broken Fear plane and not expect to be bored
> off his ass? The only time I could see this being even remotely exciting
> if a GM showed up and re-popped the entire zone at once, which they would
> only do if some mobs were bugged.
> As the other guys said, all imbrued armor is dropped in the Plane of Hate,
> unless you get lucky and see it drop on a cube in Fear.
> If you want an exciting experience, try not farming Fear for once, and
> instead breaking it open on a full pop. You might actually have a
> *gasp* and fun. Instead of seeing maybe 2-3 dozen mobs in 5.5 hours, you
> will more than likely see 2-3 dozen mobs in your first couple hours,
> depending on how efficient your raiding party is. Not only will you kill a
> lot more in less time, but you will see more loot drop in a shorter amount
> of time. Last time I was on a Fear raid, we saw no less than 8 drops in
> first hour. It reminded me of the candyland that was the original Fear
> opening.
> Actually, I'd have to say that breaking Fear on a full pop is one of the
> most fun experiences I have ever had in EQ, next to maybe killing Trak.
> Kiting dracolich around is pretty fun too. =)
> People farming Fear and then wondering where the fun went baffle me.
> This reminds me of a running joke some friends have about farming Fear (if
> this offends any of you, oh well):
> Lleluvyn says, 'Hail there hardy adventurer, would you be interested in
> [Farming The Plane of Fear]?'
> Kruegen says, 'How do I farm the plane of fear?
> Lleluvyn says, 'It is an easy task, done by many! Simply fetch me [a
> and [Treasure bag] and we can get started! There is a [reward]!
> Kruegen says, 'What is the reward?'
> Lleluvyn says, 'Ah! The reward you ask? The reward is free [phat lewtz]
> no risk other then [/random 100].
> Sartori D'Elsiraad<Legion>
> 55th Bard, Veeshan
> P.S. Fear is currently farmed 24-7 on my server
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.