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Message ID: 21395
Date: Wed Sep 13 15:35:25 BST 2000
Author: Daniel Sniderman
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Bard Crowd Control

I don't think there's a conspiracy - just a complete lack of understanding
of the dynamic of the class and how it really works.

I think Verant has complete lack of theory of game play. They seem to think
that not requiring mana makes the bard class completely powerful. It is
clear that no one at Verant "Plays" a bard character using the retail

I've played a necro now to level 6 and I can see how they can come to this
conclusion. When you are out of mana you are somewhat vulnerable in a way
that a bard isn't.

I think to truly understand the way the game works you have to play it. You
have to really understand the limitations. We have no items that let us
twist more songs - while casters get INT/WIS and mana boosting items.

There are no spells that let us twist more (i.e. clarity/manasong).

People have been posting excellent analysis of this on the Verant boards -
talking about opportunity costs - and mana management (i.e. how many mobs
can an Enchanter keep mezzed indefinitely with clarity on and meditating
through it).

But Verant just 'doesn't get it'. If they played a Bard they would. It's
obvious they don't.

As far as "conspiracy theory" I think INDIRECTLY there is some truth to it.
I suspect that when it comes to design, balancing, etc meetings and
discussions at the meetings - the people there who sincerely do play and
enjoy Everquest as a player - subconsciously at best (and perhaps even
consciously) champion their favorite class. People accuse Abashi of having

I can't help but believe that there is truth to some degree (again even if
subconscious) and there is no Bard-player/champion on the design team.


-----Original Message-----
From: Big Daddy Legba [mailto:legba@...]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2000 8:44 AM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bard Crowd Control

Do you guys honestly think there is some kind of Verant plan to screw over

Come back to reality. Verant is a poorly run company. Their in house
testing is abysmal (if it exists at all, which I have serious doubts of).
Their customer service is embarassing, and their arrogance is the stuff of
kings. They just wrote a really good game.

That being said, they treat everyone like that. Perhaps theres a few more
bard problems since we are the most unusual class in the game. (This goes
back to their lack of testing.)

Why did you expect things to change this time?

Until a viable competitor arrives, this attitude won't hurt them. If
Anarchy Online (which I doubt will be, as its a sci fi setting, which has
always been a smaller market than fantasy.) is this viable competitor then
soon we will see them reaping what they have sown. If not we will have to
wait for horizons/shadowbane/whatever. (All of which are a long way away).

Recent posts from Brad indicate to me, they believe the game has reached its
peak and are preparing for the inevitable shrinking of the population.

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