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Message ID: 21529
Date: Sun Sep 24 00:08:14 BST 2000
Author: Joanna Wright
Subject: Re: Soloing Spectres at level 39

> I asked the list a while back when I was level 35
> about any particular
> strategies to solo spectres and as given advice to
> wait until level 40
> before giving it a try. I'm level 39 now, and was
> cruising through Oasis
> and on a whim, ran out to spectre island.

Yep, specs are great and I believe will take you up to
49th if you don't mind slower and slower progress.
HGs are even better (money/xp) but on my server rathe
mtns have swelled to 56 which is too much. Zone can
handle 26 with 2 bards or 34 with 1 or 2 bards.

> Tambourine in hand, and weaving Aria of Eagles and
> Accelerando, I targeted
> one of the spectres sitting on the corner. I kept a
> good distance and hit
> it with Chant of Flame. I backed off to the shore
> and waited over in the
> plains by the "shelf" near Sro zone. I watched as my
> target came out of the
> water I started to kite him with the 2 chants. I
> then noticed 2 of his
> buddies coming over a ridge. Fortunately, they
> aren't above level 37, so I
> charmed the one I was fighting, and sent him against
> his buddies.

Yep, think charm kite.

> I happily observed that both of the newcomers
> started beating on my pet, so
> I didn't have to worry about being chased. I kept on
> eye out for the
> healthy one and charmed him when I noticed my pet
> was getting beat up
> pretty well. No problem, 2 died pretty quickly, and
> I was left with just
> kiting the last one who was at full health thanks to
> his lifetaps.

I haven't actually ever noticed an increase from the
life taps though that would follow logically. God
knows I get hurt from it.

> Kiting is pretty easy as they are slower than
> molasses. I observed that if
> I keep away from them, I hardly got lifetapped. When
> he was below a bubble
> of health he started to run. Unfortunately, he
> started running just as he
> was out of my view. I looked around for him, but he
> had disappeared and
> didn't even show up on track. Evidently, he warped
> back to the island. As
> soon as I went near the island all the spectres
> aggro'd on me. I zoned as I
> wasn't ready to tackle 5.

Yep, unfortunatly that does happen at it TOTALLY
sucks. I found out the hard way that they occationally
jump back to their spawn point. Also, they don't
always warp to their spawn point, but sometimes go
into the water. Best thing to do it run straight to
the edge of the water and look for scythe. If you
don't see it, get ready to deal with 5 :P

BTW, tackling 5 isn't exactly as tough as it sounds.
The only difference is you need to weave selos and
hymm inbetween charms. I would get life typed 3 times
as I turn too close only to have it regened in 30 to
40 seconds in between charms. Also, kite with a
mandolin in hand rather than a drum. This is the
biggest reason why you'll get tapped more but I think
it's the only thing that keeps me alive. Tried it
going straight drum and pulled out the mandolin when I
got down to a bubble.

The 2 biggest problems with kiting specs is 1 they
don't always refollow commands after charm. Most of
the time they do but sometimes they don't. I can
always get xp from 4 of the 5 but seldom all 5. The
2nd is, once you clear all 5, people will move in and
start contesting the spawns. I've had this happen a
lot even to go so far as have people start repeatedly
KSing me.

> I went back and hunted them again. I chained them
> when they ran. If I was
> kiting just 1, I chained him instead of using
> accelerando. Also, I noticed
> that the closer I was to the spectre, the less
> likely he was to resist my
> chants. I tested this about two dozen times, but I'm
> sure John Kim would
> disapprove of my sample size. I'll be hunting them
> more, so I'll keep an
> eye on that correlation.

:P The chants I have do seem to get resisted a lot.
Never bothered to test it but that would make sense.
On a side note, one thing intresting I noticed today
is my cleric seemed to med faster as the group got
larger though I could be wrong. I wouldn't put it
past Verant to mess with med times in order to force
people to group.

> SOW would have been helpful, but it's not necessary.

SOOOOO agree here. I've screwed up the weave many
times and got negatively reinforced to the tune of 260
points of damage. Hehe, Electric Shock Therapy has
nothing on that!

> Lastly, I posted that I thought I saw less of a
> wobble to our accelerando.
> Well with a nice view of myself (instead of in a
> dark swamp) I
> unfortunately see that I still spasm my way across
> the zone.
> Windleaf Mistsong
> Clan Battlehammer
> Level 39 Balladeer
> Bertoxxulous

Centiera begins spasming
Centiera moves faster

On a side note, I don't know what I will end up doing
with my bard. If I wanna keep my friends, I have to
play the bard. And soloing which I have to do to
catch them is proving quite profitable (I've made
roughly 4400 plat off of HGs and specs in 5 days) so
playing her for a bit longer sounds good to me. Great
money and xp but it's boring and SOOO annoying. I
just hate having to fight with people for spawns =( I
do get some enjoyment though out of telling people off
when they call me the "greedy bard". I clear lots and
lots of greens (average is 9 to 11 per 2 HGs) and am
usually the one spawning HGs for other people, yet I'm
the greedy one. /rude Hehe, last time I cam close to
dieing was because I had a train of 2 basalisks, 4
lizardmen and 2 HGs and one of the lizards bashed me
at the wrong time.

Centiera D'Winter
44th Half-Elf Bard
21st High Elf Cleric
14th Erudite Magician

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