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Message ID: 21556
Date: Thu Sep 28 17:23:37 BST 2000
Author: Daniel Sniderman
Subject: DOH!

I posted a while back about having problems in Skyfire charming - thinking
it was High-Blues resists. Reading other posts (I think on the Backstage
board) - I realized I was sending pets after Chromodrakes - who would then
dispel my Charm spell...

I had forgotten that Charm was a dispel able spell affect. Chock it up to

I had another circumstance I wanted to bounce off all of you here. I fought
in Sebelis for the time a couple of nights ago. It was a complete bust.
First of all - I get there - and here someone yelling for more for group. I
tell the guy (a druid 53 I think) that I'm interested he says OK. I wait
5-10 minutes and hear nothing from the guy and wonder what the heck is going
on. He then says he has to TP out to get other people.

Now I was 48 (actually about 10 kills form 49 at that point) - and a bit
underpowered for the zone - so I don't do what I might otherwise - ie look
for another group. So I patiently wait. A good 20-30 minutes later (not
exaggerating) the guy shows up with the group. Then the cleric announces
she forgot to bind outside the dungeon - so she's gonna run for the zone out
to go bind.

She then proceeds to get killed on the way. Okay - here's where the
confusion goes in. The rogue is gonna hide/sneak to find the corpse.
Needless to say - I'm singing Mana non-stop - and he tells me to stop
singing it because it's messing up his hide.

The rogue comes back - having trouble find it. The cleric tp's in. We
decide to do some pulls before searching again. After we kill one and the
rogue heads out again - I figure it's safe to sing mana again - the rogue
has to be WAY out of range. Heck I know from group chat he's past a couple
of doors. I even ask the group if it's okay to sing mana since the guy is
out of range. I THOUGHT I got an affirmative response (in hindsight -
perhaps the Ranger was responding to another question - but I certain never
got a negative).

Shortly thereafter a nasty train appears out of nowhere (didn't see a player
run in either) 3 golums of some sort - and a couple other. We die very

The group then blames me singing mana song for the train. My question to
the more experienced peoples here - is this true - or did these people not
know what they are talking about? If my singing mana - while a group member
was deeper in the dungeon caused a group of mobs to aggro on the main group
back at the zone entrance - then clearly it's a bug (given the extremely
small range of the Mana song). Regardless - if there is such a bug - I need
to be aware of it.

The night went even worse. After searching the way to the exit zone for a
long time - we assumed the corpse was in a wall. Petitioned - guides did
come pretty quickly - and told us to "look harder". Turns out the cleric
made a wrong turn.

So we decide to try to clear way to corpse. We go past the first door - and
there's another group there. One member says "sorry I have to leave" and
then joins other group. There are still five of us (including the "naked"
cleric). Then the Druid group leader - disbands the group and tp's out
without saying a word.

Now keep in mind - we've been at this over 3 hours and haven't done diddly.
If the guy said something - I would understand (to some degree) - but he
didn't even respond to tells asking "what happened to group".

So here I am - in Sebelis for the first time - don't know my way around and
no group. I yell for group a couple of times - and don't know what to do.
I figure I'd be safer going back to the entrance (and then start asking
people what to do or for a TP out). I didn't know that mobs spawn at the
door. I then proceed to train the people at the entrance and get killed.

Fortunately - a Druid in my guild was bound outside the entrance - went
there - got me a rez and TP'd me out...

I decided to sticking with some friends (who were in Karnor and needed a
bard - where I proceeded to regain lost XP and ding to 49.

Slyde Katzenjammer