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Message ID: 21572
Date: Fri Sep 29 16:39:54 BST 2000
Author: Mike Merck
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Patch Message

I played with the new macros last night and couldn't master them. Thanks for
the good info!

> From: Moss <Olmoss@...>
> Reply-To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 09:44:40 -0400
> To: eqbards@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Patch Message
> Whooop !!! I spent several hours last night making macros from socials
> and testing them. Ortez [sp?], the green orc in S Ro that heals himself
> makes and excellent test subject BTW. Here is what I found with examples
> listed below.
> 1. The shortest delay with my equipment and my DSL connection I could
> get was for all practical purposes was 30.
> I might get as low as 28, but start "losing" songs out of the
> rotation when they don't have time to get
> up.
> 2. The "/stopsong" command is essential and takes up an entire line by
> itself. This has a limiting effect on how many songs your can
> practically use. TWO. You CAN make a macro to sing 3 songs but the last
> song will stay on and you will have to stop it manually. ....Well, there
> is a way around it but if you don't have excellent timing you either get
> the "Chat screen shivers" , when it shakes telling you you have
> conflicting commands trying to be processed or the first song seems to
> drop out of the rotation. My attempt at a single 3 song macro looks like
> this. Resist messages did not stop the macro for continuing. Missed
> notes MAY HAVE messed up the timing though... I do know that if I missed
> a note the macro continued but the timing seemed thrown off enough that
> the following song had trouble coming up. Not sure about this yet but
> the solution was easy. Wait and hit the macro again to resynch.
> 3SNG (Macro name, 3 song)
> /stopsong (to stop the last macro or song that is presumable still going
> on)
> /pause 30, /cast 3 (Fufils)
> /stopsong
> /pause 30, /cast 4 (Chant of Cold)
> /stopsong
> /cast 4 (Chant of Flame) Note.. no pause line needed.. it just plays on
> anyway.
> 3. Suddenly last night I was able to twist FOUR songs 80 percent of the
> time ! Never been able to do that with my machine before ! I think this
> is because Macros remove any Keying errors and inefficiencies in timing
> from my twisting :) The trick here was to set up 2 macros of 2 songs
> each.... Run Song and 3 Chants. Run song might flicker but often the
> icon would just stay up. I tried putting in a line like /say Hit it
> again Sam ! as a visual indicator a macro was done but found that it
> just took time away and you knew from the Icon greying/light when a
> macro was finished.
> BTL 1 (Label for "Battle song 1 macro)
> /pause 30, /cast 8 (run song)
> /stopsong
> /pause 30, /cast 3 (Fufils chant)
> /stopsong
> BTL 2 (name of second macro)
> /pause 30, /cast 4 (Chant of Cold)
> /stopsong
> /pause 30, /cast 5 (Chant of Fire)
> /stopsong
> 4. They most popular use of the new macro will be the Run/Levitation
> combination. You CAN keep the Tracking screen UP !!! using a macro
> similar to the one below. Note, Lev FIRST (just in case) and the line to
> give yourself a visual signal in the chat window the macro is done. I
> found I had at lest 12 seconds grace before having to refresh the macro
> if I got distracted. (Why do I feel that unless I want invisibility, I
> am not going to be using the level 51 Selo's Song of Travel much ?)
> FlyMe (Macro name)
> /pause 30, /cast 6 (Levitation. Put first because I don't want my teeth
> jarred :)
> /stopsong
> /pause 30, /cast 8 (Run song)
> /stopsong
> /say Fly Me ! (Chat Screen visual cue for when tracking screen covers
> your song icons)
> 5. I also made Macros combining Heal Song, Mana Song and Niv's so I can
> keep Mana up while healing the party which reduces keystrokes.
> 6. I found that "/pause 30" on a line by itself MAY be required if your
> mixing Cast and Say type commands in some situations. The "/pause 30"
> line ALWAYS has to be the first statement of a line even though it is
> executed after the second statement. Whenever I tried to make a line
> with more than 2 statements in it I got garbage. This should be further
> investigated to be sure. Might just be me :)
> 7. Finally, if you want to switch songs between battles, say to drop
> out a chant for a Heat shield, a simple right click on the icon brings
> up the macro and you only have to retype one line.
> I am sure more sophisticated programmers out there can come up with
> better Macros :) but I hope this will help you get started.
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with
> the subject submissions.