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Message ID: 21576
Date: Fri Sep 29 18:20:13 BST 2000
Author: John Tatsukawa
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Patch Message

Nice job! I didn't get a chance to play my bard last night, but did do this
for my cleric.

That "screen shiver" was pretty wild, but it does seem that another press
of the hot key does start the whole sequence over again. However, for pulls
and healing I love the %t command. Nothing was sweeter than our puller
saying "/g inc %t", and having our enchanter say "/g Mezzing %t" and me
saying "/g Healing %t".

I convinced my enchanter friend that these are very handy and he loves
them. The "pause" command didn't really work well for me with a caster, but
I'm sure that just needs to be refined.


At 09:44 AM 9/29/00 -0400, Moss wrote:
> Whooop !!! I spent several hours last night making macros from socials
>and testing them. Ortez [sp?], the green orc in S Ro that heals himself
>makes and excellent test subject BTW. Here is what I found with examples
>listed below.
> 1. The shortest delay with my equipment and my DSL connection I could
>get was for all practical purposes was 30.
> I might get as low as 28, but start "losing" songs out of the
>rotation when they don't have time to get
> up.
> 2. The "/stopsong" command is essential and takes up an entire line by
>itself. This has a limiting effect on how many songs your can
>practically use. TWO. You CAN make a macro to sing 3 songs but the last
>song will stay on and you will have to stop it manually. ....Well, there
>is a way around it but if you don't have excellent timing you either get
>the "Chat screen shivers" , when it shakes telling you you have
>conflicting commands trying to be processed or the first song seems to
>drop out of the rotation. My attempt at a single 3 song macro looks like
>this. Resist messages did not stop the macro for continuing. Missed
>notes MAY HAVE messed up the timing though... I do know that if I missed
>a note the macro continued but the timing seemed thrown off enough that
>the following song had trouble coming up. Not sure about this yet but
>the solution was easy. Wait and hit the macro again to resynch.
> 3SNG (Macro name, 3 song)
>/stopsong (to stop the last macro or song that is presumable still going
>/pause 30, /cast 3 (Fufils)
>/pause 30, /cast 4 (Chant of Cold)
>/cast 4 (Chant of Flame) Note.. no pause line needed.. it just plays on
> 3. Suddenly last night I was able to twist FOUR songs 80 percent of the
>time ! Never been able to do that with my machine before ! I think this
>is because Macros remove any Keying errors and inefficiencies in timing
>from my twisting :) The trick here was to set up 2 macros of 2 songs
>each.... Run Song and 3 Chants. Run song might flicker but often the
>icon would just stay up. I tried putting in a line like /say Hit it
>again Sam ! as a visual indicator a macro was done but found that it
>just took time away and you knew from the Icon greying/light when a
>macro was finished.
>BTL 1 (Label for "Battle song 1 macro)
>/pause 30, /cast 8 (run song)
>/pause 30, /cast 3 (Fufils chant)
>BTL 2 (name of second macro)
>/pause 30, /cast 4 (Chant of Cold)
>/pause 30, /cast 5 (Chant of Fire)
> 4. They most popular use of the new macro will be the Run/Levitation
>combination. You CAN keep the Tracking screen UP !!! using a macro
>similar to the one below. Note, Lev FIRST (just in case) and the line to
>give yourself a visual signal in the chat window the macro is done. I
>found I had at lest 12 seconds grace before having to refresh the macro
>if I got distracted. (Why do I feel that unless I want invisibility, I
>am not going to be using the level 51 Selo's Song of Travel much ?)
>FlyMe (Macro name)
>/pause 30, /cast 6 (Levitation. Put first because I don't want my teeth
>jarred :)
>/pause 30, /cast 8 (Run song)
>/say Fly Me ! (Chat Screen visual cue for when tracking screen covers
>your song icons)
> 5. I also made Macros combining Heal Song, Mana Song and Niv's so I can
>keep Mana up while healing the party which reduces keystrokes.
> 6. I found that "/pause 30" on a line by itself MAY be required if your
>mixing Cast and Say type commands in some situations. The "/pause 30"
>line ALWAYS has to be the first statement of a line even though it is
>executed after the second statement. Whenever I tried to make a line
>with more than 2 statements in it I got garbage. This should be further
>investigated to be sure. Might just be me :)
> 7. Finally, if you want to switch songs between battles, say to drop
>out a chant for a Heat shield, a simple right click on the icon brings
>up the macro and you only have to retype one line.
> I am sure more sophisticated programmers out there can come up with
>better Macros :) but I hope this will help you get started.