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Message ID: 21800
Date: Wed Oct 11 20:56:41 BST 2000
Author: Kimes, Dean W.
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Abashi finally responds... sort of

No problem, I can gladly expound. Much of it comes from the fact I turned
18 or so right about the time the Lullaby nerf went into play with no

Before that time, every battle where more than one mob came into play there
was a serious tactical question being posed. Should I Lullaby or
Chords/Denon's? Since one would break the other I could never do both. In
addition at that point Anthem was still very viable even with an enchanter.
Chains was also pre nerf and a very viable option for Snare.

It isn't really that gaining levels has reduced the options, changes made to
the options since then have. Chains is no longer a reliable alternative to
Snare, Lullaby is useful for nothing except suicide, and the upgrade, Pixie
Strike, is nearly as ineffective. An enchanter at this level can keep an
entire set of tanks "Hasted" and keep all the additional mobs mezz'd using
only his own Clarity spell for support. Indefinitely. My Anthem is a poor
substitute for the Enchanter line of "Haste" spells.
There really isn't much question of which songs are most effective at this
level. Swapping instruments, Chant, Chords, and Hymn are numerically now so
much more effective than anything else I can do that doing anything else is
pointless except in very special situations such as when high MR is needed.
Enchanters have also become so much more necessary for a group as I have
increased in levels. When I was 18th level a bard was an excellent option
vs. and enchanter or a ranger or a druid or a shadowknight when it came to
grouping. Now we are such a poor second choice to any of these that a group
would only take a bard if none of the others were available. We were once
2nd or 3rd best at a lot of things. At 31 I have found we are 3rd best or
worse at many things, except strangely soloing with charm or fear/chains
neither of which is particularly enjoyable for someone who wanted a group
oriented class.


>You got Sonorous Clouding, Consonant Chain, Appalling Screen, Song of the
>Sirens. I agree, these aren't the best group songs, but all are highly
>effective for the solo bard.
>What is it at level 18 that you were able to do that you are now unable to
>do at 31? (no sarcasm here, I really do want to hear what you think.)

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