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Message ID: 21839
Date: Wed Oct 11 23:20:39 BST 2000
Author: Reece Tom R CPT 25 ID L G4(n)
Subject: RE: [eqbards] I posted this to the Everwhatever boards and to the Concert Hall

I'm not certain how many of you bards had the chance to use Lullaby pre-stealth nerf so for the sake of discussion let me clarify something.

Singing Lullaby pre-stealth nerf was always a risky situation for bards. In no way was it overpowerful. The reasons for that are very similar to those enchanters have to deal with when they use AE mez spells. What made the risk even greater for bards was that the mobs got a resist check every 3 seconds, which is something enchanters have never had to worry about. if you got bashed and the song was interrupted, then you could quickly take a massive beating. So even when the song worked properly, using it was always risky. If the healer in the party wasn't paying attention, there was always a good chance that you could die. The fact that a bard can wear plate armor and has more hit points than an enchanter is a moot point. If you didn't have these advantages, you would die even quicker than the enchanter using AE mezzes would.

The key issue is that, pre-stealth nerf, you had the OPTION to sing the song if you wanted. For some of us, we were able to save our party using this song on numerous occasions. But because of the risk, there were also numerous occasions where I died because 1) party members attacked the sleeping mobs, who in turn attacked me instead of the party member who woke them up, 2) healers weren't paying attention to my health bar, 3) there were just too many mobs for the rest of the party to take down before everyone was OOM. The bottom line is that this song was NOT overpowered as originally designed. That has been our point since Day 1 when we discovered the stealth nerf. The option to use this song for the purpose it was designed was taken away from us for no apparent good reason. We have been trying to rectify the situation for months now.

Galtin of E'ci

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeffrey Sue [mailto:jsue@...]
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 11:12 AM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] I posted this to the Everwhatever boards and to
the Concert Hall

i think lullaby is simply too powerful as designed for a bard. my roommate
has a high level cleric and he was talking to some 50+ enchanters about
their ae mez. basically they don't use it. if they get 2 resists they are dead.
occasionally they might use it as a stopgap on a really bad pull, but then
they stun and individually mez each mob afterwards. for a bard however,
we get to wear armor, have a reasonable amount of hitpoints and only
get interrupted by bashes. if we get a couple of resists occasionally it just
wouldn't be a big deal. what i think would be better is if they just wrote off
lullaby as too powerful and put the targetted mez at about a 20% resist rate.
that way you could have 2 mobs mezzed most of the time or 1 mob if
you really wanted to make sure it was mezzed.

At 02:36 PM 10/11/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Here is a constructive idea that would likely make most bards happier,
>return these songs to a being a viable option, and maintain Enchanters
>current position with respect to crowd control.
>Make the songs in question require an instrument much the way that Sonorous
>Clouding currently does. Make a string instrument mandatory for Lucid
>Lullaby and a wind instrument mandatory for Pixie Strike. At the same time
>remove the secondary resist that has rendered these spellsongs impotent.
>I think this change is in line with the bardic theme, makes the songs a
>viable option, and maintains the necessary amount of balance over these
>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.

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