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Message ID: 21866
Date: Thu Oct 12 01:51:58 BST 2000
Author: silky@webtoys.net
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Abashi finally responds... sort of

Why isn't working as intended a valid response? Well, it might be, if
Verant didn't pull this particular answer out of their collective arses
whenever they are a) too lazy or b) just don't understand the issue enough
to look at it.

Notice - they never back this up with - It's working as intended - 'it does
this and this - BECAUSE'.

Verant specializes in giving their customers the perception that they think
us idiot children. They also specialize in sticking their foot in their
mouth. How DARE they presume that because they wrote the 'code' - that they
have more 'experience' than people that have quite literally put in
hundreds even collectively hundreds of THOUSANDS of hours into playing and
testing this class. It is glaringly obvious to even low level bards reading
some answers that come out that no one there really PLAYS a bard - and no
one there even UNDERSTANDS the uniqueness of the class. That's how we get
nerfed with everyone else - because ya know dude - songs are kinda like
spells - yet we get missed on enhancements because - ya know dude - bards
aren't casters (or insert other class here).

The day they do to my druids snare - what they did bards - is the day I
QUIT. And shuuuuush - no one tell them druids snare works exactly that way.

I am 41 years old. I do NOT need to have some wet behind the ears, minimum
wage flunky tell me that I don't understand a process based on constant
repetition that I've been doing for hundreds of hours. I am not an idiot,
nor am I a child and I'm sorry - but Verant's asscovering by intimating
that somehow we are just too stupid to understand, to lazy to discover or
even worse somehow SELFISH to want our class to like - not be broken, is
just about the last straw for me.

Adults hand down pronouncements to children, they DISCUSS with other
adults. The cause we said so, now sit down and shut up attitude is going to
have to stop. And it best stop before another viable alternative is
available. Of course the plus side to it NOT stopping - overcrowding will
be solved. Course, you may not be able to find anyone left to group WITH.

Working as intended is not a sufficent response to valid complaints that
backup the complaint with details and descriptions of the problem. At best
it's a half-assed CYA open answer.

>why isn't working as intended a valid response? that's like going to an
>amusement park, riding a roller coaster and saying, well my idea of a roller
>coaster is different, it should have 2 more corkscrews and a loop and
>the amusement park to reconstruct it to match your specifications. if you
>don't like it, ride another ride (try another class) or if you really
don't like it,
>don't go to the park anymore (cancel your account). but either way, it's
a waste
>of time and energy to keep ranting about it afterwards.