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Message ID: 21887
Date: Thu Oct 12 16:21:04 BST 2000
Author: Joanna Wright
Subject: Re: The last 4 digests

:P Ok, so I didn't check my e-mail for 2 days and you
all get chatty. I see how it is...

Alrighty, as to why working as intended isn't good
enough: Simple answer is gameplay. I've heard horror
stories of people trying to use the 51 (52?) travel
song only to have one member get hit and fall to their
death. I've also heard this song won't stack with
dead man floating which would fix the problems with
this song right there.

What a lot of these songs should do (45th song, the
travel song, etc) is create more than one spell icon.
The upper level haste song that has the DS on it
should have the damage shield component seperate.
From what I've heard, the DS is lost so quickly thus
canceling the whole song effect that upper level bards
simply switch to an earlier haste song.

That's why these "working as intended" songs were a
good idea but bad reality.

Abashi's comments about our singing steel pissed me
off even more. Exactly what are we balanced against
right now? The warrior Cobalt is something I'd love
to have. Don't most of the pieces have healing
properties in the form of self buffs to them? I'd
really love to know what moron thought the helm,
pants, and boots effects were balanced.

The reason why lots of the older bards are still
chaffing at the whole lullaby issue is indeed how it
used to work. But it's also how Verant decided to
handle that whole issue. We have the head magic guy
at the time publicly stating it seems messed up.
We're told to wait patiently which we do, for 6 to 8
months. In that time the break another song but fix
it. Then they break that song again and refuse to fix
it. Then they have a mouthpiece come out and say
she'll get to the bottom of this who promptly tells us
some lame excuse about how it's never supposed to have
been useable after 30th. So where's the upgrade of
lullaby around 29th???

If you're a bard that was around when you could use
lullaby as it used to be, you're more than likely
pretty pissed off right now. The reason is because 2
classes (shaman and cleric) has essentially had their
own lullaby issue come up and it either got fixed or
is getting fixed. Mark of Karn was nerfed, they
suggested fixes, and Verant went with the one the
clerics wanted. BTW, the fix wasn't one of the options
Verant gave them. All that got done in about a week.
It seems now the shamen have gotten Verant to look
into their uber weapon. How much you wanna bet they
get a fix close to what the shamen as a whole will be
happy with?

Since I'm one of those bards who got to play with
lullaby, you're asking if I'm so livid, why do I play
a bard? Mainly cause none of my secondaries are close
to 45. However, I've heard is said you can get a
warrior to close to that in 2 months or so. Mine's
13th in 3 of my regular play days. Oh, and with
bandages, I'm soloing. I figure a shaman is probably
closer to being a bard but I just don't like how
female barbarians look. Hehe, and I am a true bard
when it comes to astetics :P (I saw an absolutely
perfect combo. Runed mithril tunic with BI leggins,
arms, boots, gloves and a leather helm. The half-elf
wearing it looked great. Mithril BP, arms, and
leggings with singing steel bracers, gauntlets, helm
and boots looks awesome too.)

Anyway, to sum up, Abashi is full of it, I'm bitter,
and I think it's perfectly acceptable to make choices
in armor that cut down your AC but 100 to 150 points
or so in the name a fashion :) Another valueable post
from me, lol!

OH! I do remember dragonrealms too. I was a warrior
mage there. It was 9.95 a month but you could upgrade
to 29.95 a month to get access to better hunting
areas, and your own house. Was a good game but the
people who ran it angered me to no end and I left when
an alternative came out (taps foot waiting for Anarchy
Online's release date).

OH! Something else I remembered while proof reading.
There was a post on whineplay from a bard complaining
about a stealth nerf on selo's. Reports were
conflicting about it so I blew off that issue.
Yesterday I noticed selo's acceleration got noticeably
faster. Kinda like someone broke something and just
fixed it maybe? /rude Verant

Centiera D'Winter
45th Half-elf Bard
13th Half-Elf Warrior
23rd High Elf Cleric

PS- I have 3 friends who are female barb shamen so I'm
not anti-female barb, it's just not something I'd like
to play.

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