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Message ID: 22030
Date: Mon Oct 16 20:25:27 BST 2000
Author: jhenders@bogon.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] I posted this to the Everwhatever boards and to the Concert Hall

On Sat, Oct 14/00, "Kenneth E. Bachman" <kbachman@...> wrote:
> Why isn't the group as effective? Until we start encountering MOBs above level 51, we can break any area
> where we aren't going to get more than 3 MOBs in a pull (charm MOB 2 against MOB 3). Even 4 MOB pulls
> aren't impossible, as long as the group knows to unload on the first one to take it out as fast as
> possible. Once an area is broken, the MOBs are all single targets, and at that point, what do you need an
> Enchanter for? In the cases cited, the Enchanter might make the initial break a bit easier (although not in
> all cases), but once beyond that point, the Bard is more generically useful.

I mean effective as in how many mobs you can pull. I've been in the Jail
area with an enchanter and had our puller pulling from as far back as
the bartender area because we were easily keeping up with that number of
mobs. If you are on a crowded server where you could never do that
without impinging on someone else's camp then I guess this kind of
effectiveness is unavailable to you anyway.

Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*