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Message ID: 22033
Date: Tue Oct 17 13:42:14 BST 2000
Author: Olgwinn Pendragun
Subject: RE: ss boots

If it helps any, I'm 46 and both the gloves and the boots work for me. I
got the boots in the same raid that I got out of 45, so I'm not 100% sure,
but I think they worked at 45 also.

Hehe, I thought I was too young for the gloves when they didn't work when I
tried right-clicking them. Funny things is, while playing selo's and
right-clicking the gloves I got a message about how I could not activate the
effect while singing.

I was helping a shaman friend try to complete the Test of Patience portion
of his epic quest. If you don't know, you're supposed to wait underwater
for several minutes for this Ogre's friends to show up. I was wearing the
gloves and had the shaman cast EB on me... hehe Thought it was weird when
EB wore off that I didn't get the Air Remaining thing, but I just kicked in
the water breathing song anyway... hehe Anyway the mobs never showed up, so
he failed the test of patience... hehe

Olgwinn Pendragun
Bard of 46 Missed Notes (working as intended)

> Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 10:59:04 +0200
> From: Stephane Lange <slange@...>
>Subject: RE: ss boots
>I am curently 44 and it still don't work.

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