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Message ID: 22041
Date: Tue Oct 17 18:47:31 BST 2000
Subject: Tech question

I recently got a new PC. It IS like playing a totally new game now and I
was finally able to twist 4 songs. :) But one of the changes I noticed
with this PC is for the worse. Actually two changes are, but I think I can
live with the fact that everywhere I go I hear women screaming, bears
roaring, wisps whizzing, etc. I guess that's supposed to make you feel
like you're in a zone full of dead bodies and monsters. Bit nerve racking
though, and I can no longer track by ear.

But anyway, that's the problem I can learn to live with. What's killing me
now is, I THINK, lag. See, lag spikes on my old PC basically just made
movements slow and choppy. What's happening now is my screen completely
locks up for about 20 seconds, during that time I'll hear about 5 seconds
of the me piercing something repeatedly, followed by 5ish seconds of me
screaming in agony repeatedly, followed by 5 seconds of the mob
barking/growling/etc, and so on. It's like the client is playing all the
sound effects of the battle in order of effect rather than chronological.
And I can do NOTHING while this is going on.

I tried going back to all my old PCs settings (no particles, about a 15'
clip plane, most chatting off, etc) but if it helped any, it only made
these lag spikes less frequent. It didn't make them any more manageable.

Oh and I'm calling these lag spikes for lack of a better explanation.
Since the screen stops updating for such a long time I don't know what the
status bar would be showing.

Anyone have any insight on this? Is this what lag is "supposed" to look

My new PC is a 1GHz P3, with 128 RAM & 64 video RAM. (Nice toy, eh? I
thought so <g>) Old PC, if I recall correctly, was a 200Mhz P2, with 64 RAM
& 32 video RAM. Both use 56K modems.

On an unrelated note, Talies, sorry to hear your out of the game, glad to
hear your staying with the list.

And on another unrelated note, Thex, how'd the Naggy raid go last night?

Evulia, crooner of 13 tunes who sometimes masquerades as a rogue in