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Message ID: 22049
Date: Tue Oct 17 20:27:02 BST 2000
Author: Talies the Wanderer
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Tech question

Make sure that you have the latest version of DirectX - 7.0 seems to work fine.
The strange sound effects seem to be something related to Soundblasters -
mine does that all the time, and I heard about it a lot while Guiding. You
might also check to make sure that you have the latest drivers from
Creative Labs.

As to leaving, well, I have to stand up for my beliefs. I find it rather
ironic that one of the last statements I made to my former server GM was
"For the love of god, hire a real PR man. Abashi is the worst thing to
happen to Verant because of his unswerving attitudes. You have to be
willing to admit you make mistakes, or the public will instinctively
mistrust you."

Heh - I guess it worked ;)

Talies the Wanderer

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