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Message ID: 22081
Date: Thu Oct 19 13:20:36 BST 2000
Author: hho@bang-olufsen.dk
Subject: RE: Clan Battlehammer

>Kinda curious how other guilds are able to keep going strong?

Well we try to recruit a lot of new people. If I see a friend without a guildtag
I will ask him (Just ask windleaf) if she/he is interested. I dident do that
with Guardians of the Divine Light, but today I feel it is an absolutly must do
thing - if not we will never get any new members. From time to time small
disputs arise, but most oftenly they crumble into nothing and people remember
whats its all about namely FUN. We do have one small problem which arise from
time to time. We dont accept any evil races or classes - I hope this will change

Another thing that helps us is that a major part of our members are europeans
which is an advantage since only one other (AFIK) EU guild exist on Bertox
(Charmed alliance) and we are working together with them.

Musiker Silverdrum, bard of 41th song <Creators Path>