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Message ID: 22084
Date: Thu Oct 19 16:07:49 BST 2000
Author: Stephane Lange
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Plane of Hate report:

Grats for the 6-note blades and the Imbrued legs
I can't wait to see the planes.

Vaerendil, bard 44

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Mike.Roach@... [mailto:Mike.Roach@...]
Envoye : jeudi 19 octobre 2000 16:34
A : eqbards@egroups.com
Objet : [eqbards] Plane of Hate report:

I just wanted to share my excitement with the folks on this list I have been
a part of for over a year, I went on my first Plane raid last night on E'ci
and it was a blast. The were only 2 bards on the raid of 47 people
including me and the other bard, Strattos, had most of his imbrued already.
Strattos was very cool and gave me lots of pointers when I got up there, not
sure if you are on this list Strattos but if so, thanks for all your help!

It was a great night, both Maestro and Inny were up and Maestro was dual
wielding 6-note blades. We failed in our first attempt on Maestro but we
reorganized and took him down with few deaths on try number 2. The battle
against Innoruk went faster than Maestro with few deaths and we took him
down on the first try. I ended up getting a Six Note Blade and Imbrued legs
with only one death but was not in a group that was getting any XP,
nonetheless it was great fun.

The thing that I thought was the coolest was that 8 individual groups of
people went up there and worked together without bickering over items and
XP, I've been playing EQ for over a year and a half and this is truly a
right of passage for me. Thanks to everyone on this list for all the great
advice over the months that has helped me to be the best bard I can be
within the limitations of Verant's world.

-Faras Tar'Linedhel
50 Bard, E'ci

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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