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Message ID: 22089
Date: Thu Oct 19 20:07:41 BST 2000
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Tech question

The problem SEEMS to have gone away, but I couldn't sufficiently test it
because I got lost in Highpass, then in the keep, then again in highpass.
I never made it back out to W Karana to try hunting again. (note to self:
get maps!)

I don't have the latest driver from Creative, but couldn't get to the page
to download them either, so I dropped the acceleration down a notch. With
that change I didn't have any slow downs at all. But then as I said, I
wasn't in the same zone that I was in when I first experienced the problem
and wasn't hunting.

Evulia, always in demand 5 minutes before I have to log

Michael (CCI-Las To:
Vegas)" "'eqbards@egroups.com'"
<garramone@lvcable <eqbards@egroups.com>
modem.com> cc:
Subject: RE: [eqbards]
10/19/2000 02:55 Tech question
Please respond to

when this happens, do you notice your meter spiking to 99% PL then slowly
going back down to 0%? i know this is a long shot, but that started
happening to me this week out of nowhere. the screen would lock up for a
few seconds and the PL would spike then go back to 0. i replaced the nic
and it seems to be gone.


> I recently got a new PC. It IS like playing a totally new
> game now and I
> was finally able to twist 4 songs. :) But one of the
> changes I noticed
> with this PC is for the worse.

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