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Message ID: 22139
Date: Wed Oct 25 15:12:47 BST 2000
Author: Cranfill, Wendy
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Suggestions for a Level 30

Hahah Correction! The bard only ones tend to be ninja looted by fellow
guild members to put in the "bank" (i.e. their level 4 bard twink who they
can't play worth crap but want to equip). I've seen lots o singing steel
disappear this way too but now am keeping track!

On a sad note, Tani is all of a sudden dying in 30 :( Died twice *pouts*...
those mobs in Frontier Mountains are MEAN!

Thanks for the advice on weapons :) I'll work my way towards those!

Halana, 57th !!!!!!!!!!!! Shaman
Tani, 30th Bardette

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Schuldes [mailto:jgs@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 8:09 AM
> To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Suggestions for a Level 30
> Tani,
> Sounds like you have some nice weapons there. The spine I am
> not familiar
> with, the Walking Stick I have and use because I like the
> effect message:
> 'somemob01 glances nervously about' (tashan). The 'claw
> thing' sounds like
> Sainey's Claw which I also have and use because it adds 10
> AC. Some next
> step bard weaps are: Sionache's Partisan 9/19 piercing,
> Symphonic Saber 11
> 23 with the effect that lowers you on the hate list. Jade
> mace 9 18 is good
> too but maybe a bit harder to get as they are usable by other classes.
> Harmonic Dagger is 10 21 - awesome. breath of Harmony 10 18
> effect: Niv's
> Preservation - uber.
> All of these weps are normally obtain by level 50+ groups in
> the Kunark
> Dungeons. The bard only ones tend to get traded off or passed down.
> Sylly
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:Wendy_Cranfill@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 12:34 PM
> To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] Suggestions for a Level 30
> I'm curious on weapons too.. I currently have a journeyman's
> walking stick,
> jagged chodekai spine and some claw thing from the City of
> Mist... can't
> remember the name but its a piercer..
> Anway, looking for next step up suggestions :)
> Halana, 56 Shamana (sigh)
> Tani, 30!!!! Bard :)
> SolusekRo
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