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Message ID: 22339
Date: Tue Nov 7 18:21:30 GMT 2000
Author: Olgwinn Pendragun
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Digest Number 1185

What I've found in these hotkey macro things, is that ANY time you have
multiple commands going off, you need to insert a pause before EACH line in
the macro. I guess the EQ engine just can't handle too many commands going
off at once.

So, that being said, try inserting a /pause 1, before each line of
your hotkey. You might have to play with the pause amount. 1 might be
enough of a pause, but sometimes a value of 2 or even 3 is needed.

Also, any time you have a spell being cast or a song being sung as a part of
the macro, you will need to put an appropriate pause in the BEGINNING of the
line that casts/sings. Basically the pause amount is the casting time of
the spell or song multiplied by 10. You may need to add 1-5 more in if you
have problems.

For example, all bard songs have a casting time of 3 seconds. So you should
put a /pause 30, or maybe 33 in front of any song you want to sing in a

With that being said, I'll use Maravana's macro as an example...

>/assist Fred
>/pet attack
>/say Pet is attacking %T
>/pet target
>/attack off

With pauses it will be:

/pause 2, /assist Fred
/pause 2, /pet back off
/pause 2, /say Pet is attacking %T
/pause 2, /pet target
/pause 2, /attack off

with a song being sung, a line would look something like this:

/pause 32, /cast 1 (ie. sing the song in the first spell icon slot)


You may already be aware of this, but keep in mind that you probably will
not be able to sing any songs manually or say anything at all while the
macro is executing.

Hope this helps...

Olgwinn Pendragun
Bard of 47 Missed Notes
Crimson Legacy

> Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2000 10:44:15 -0600
> From: <rkroads@...>
>Subject: Re: Having problems with 39 charm song
> > The only times I have trouble getting my pet to attack (with the 39
> > song) is if the command comes too close to a previous /pet command or
> > I'm too far away from him to hear the message.
> > Darkfox Reven'tsol
>I also have trouble with too many commands in one hot key.
>What I want to do is:
>/assist Fred
>/pet attack
>/say Pet is attacking %T
>/pet target
>/attack off
>But it rarely works. In this case, what seems to get missed is the assist
>portion. It seems like there is a resolution time for assist and it hasn't
>been resolved before the /pet attack, so my pet tells me 'that is not a
>legal target master'.
>I am trying to choose between separate Assist key (which I always have
>anyway) or trying to add a pause in there.
>Other thoughts?
>Maravana Vireo
>56 Bard of Deadly Virtues
>Mithaniel Marr

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