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Message ID: 22436
Date: Wed Nov 15 15:37:24 GMT 2000
Author: Gordon Hughes
Subject: Patch Message

There's a lot of positive changes in this patch. I'll leave you to read the
notable Bard changes. The increased customisation of the client gui is
welcome, too.

Let's hope it all works as intended. ;)


November 15th, 3:00am
***Patch Day***

Today's patch includes the announced code-updates to use technology included
with DirectX 7. You MUST have DirectX 7 or higher installed in order to play
EverQuest. Please refer to
http://everquest.station.sony.com/f_requirements.shtml prior to contacting
technical support for procedures prior to contacting technical support.

Today's patch also includes the new "Sound Engine" that we've been speaking
about for some time. The new sound engine supports additional EAX features
and should address the concerns of SBLive users that have been posted in the

*Movelog for Povar and Tarew Marr*

The /movelog window will be opened for Povar and Tarew Marr on Saturday
11/18 and Sunday 11/19 from 6PM PST (GMT-8) to Midnight. All players wishing
to have all of their characters moved (on a per-account basis) from those
servers to the new split-server should execute "/movelog yes" during the

The physical character move will take place next week on Tuesday or
Wednesday. Please check the scheduled downtime page of www.everquest.com for
a firm time when it is decided. Remember that corpses will not follow you to
the new server, so anyone deciding to move will want to be sure that all
corpses are looted prior to the time of the actual move.

As this patch features new /movelog logic to eliminate problems with people
being left behind, players should not count on customer-service intervention
after the physical move if they were unable to execute the command during
the window. You will need to be present and execute the command in order to

*Spell Changes*

-- Pixie Strike: Made it less resistible by reducing the secondary resist.
-- Song of Twilight: Increased duration. Made less resistible by removing
the secondary resist. Allowed it to be cast at any time of day.
-- Fixed the effect on the Necromancer Epic Quest Item. The effect was
checking resist on each tick instead of running full course.
-- Increased the duration of the effect on the Enchanter Epic Quest Item.
-- Fixed the "Modulating Rod" so that it can be used by the appropriate
-- Fixed the Lost Staff of the Scorned
-- Maniacal Strength will now correctly overwrite the level 49 strength
-- The Death Pact and Divine Intervention spells will now stack
appropriately with other spells that have similar effects.

-- Modified the "Jonathan's" line of songs to remove the "skin" effect in
order to allow bards to use them more effectively in combat. In addition, we
made them "Self Only" spells rather than "Single Target" spells in order to
allow bards to remain in combat while singing them.

*General Fixes/Changes*

-- Fixed a bug that caused an NPC on "Sister's Isle" to attack people who
were fighting pirates.
-- Removed Paladins as an authorized class for piercing weapons in game
since they do not have the piercing skill.
-- The "Belt of the River" quest should now work correctly.
-- Fixed all known problems with the class-specific epic quests.
-- Implemented some new race-specific quests for Iksar.
-- Positively modified most Epic Quest Items. Please check your items to see
your changes. Note: Not all changes will be evident by looking at the item.
-- Fixed the NPC bosses in the Plane of Sky that were not dropping the
correct loot.
-- Your bread tin will now be returned when baking bread.
-- Fixed the Wellford Fargin keyword problem in Firiona Vie.
-- Made the "Gravebinder" a magic weapon.

-- Repaired the Forager Bag. It was causing people to lose weight when
placing items in the bag. It is supposed to have a weight reduction
component, but was not supposed to cause weight loss.

-- Taunt: Increased effectiveness above level 50. Previously, creatures
above level 50 could not be taunted by means of the taunt skill. Now, most
creatures below the character's level can now be successfully taunted. As a
note, the chance to taunt a creature above 50th level is smaller than that
of a creature below 50th.

*Client Enhancements*

-- You now have 10 pages of 10 hotboxes each when in full screen mode.
-- You can now customize 10 pages of 12 socials each, increasing the total
number of available socials by 108.
-- Fixed a bug with the keyboard.txt file causing some keys to translate
-- Fixed a bug that caused some window positions to save improperly at
higher resolutions.
-- All key mappings are now stored in the EQCLIENT.INI file.

-- Fixed all known problems with the clipping plane slider. Users should now
see differences for the entire range of adjustment in zones that support an
adjustable clipping plane.

-- Players on PvP servers will no longer show "[LD]" over their heads when
linkdead. In addition, these same players will no longer show as "LinkDead"
in the /who list.

-- Players can now set custom text colors while in game. /usercolor: Usage
"/usercolor UserColorNumber R G B" where "UserColorNumber is the number of
the color as indicated in the EQCLIENT.INI file, and R, G, and B are red,
green and blue respectively. All changes will be automatically saved to your

-- OPT files in your EverQuest directory now have a number after the
character name indicating the server number. As such, you will now be able
to have characters of the same name on two separate servers with different
custom options.

-- The eqlog.txt file now has a name that includes the server number and
character name. For instance, if your character is named "Bobb", and you are
on Server 1, your log text file name would be eqlog_01_Bobb.txt.

-- Added two new entries to the "Defaults" section of the EQCLIENT.INI file:
AttackOnAssist=TRUE|FALSE - Sets whether or not your autoattack turns on
automatically when assisting. Defaults to "TRUE".
ShowInspectMessage=TRUE|FALSE - Sets whether or not you see the "Soandso is
inspecting you" message. Defaults to "TRUE".

-- Custom key mappings have been greatly enhanced. You can now set two keys,
a primary and an alternate, for each function in game. In addition, things
that were previously not customizable can now be set to a key of your
preference. Left-click on the key identifier to set the primary key,
right-click to set the secondary.

-- Added the /note command. /note will append the following text to a file
called "notes.txt" in your EverQuest directory. For instance, typing "/note
This is a note" will put "This is a note" on the next line in the notes.txt

- The EverQuest Team