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Message ID: 22899
Date: Tue Jan 9 19:18:35 GMT 2001
Author: Cook Miller-ETOP03
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Patch in general(was Changes to Root/Snare)

Matt, did you post your idea on the Everquest forums? Worth a try. I like
the idea of a tavern and horses. It would affect druids and wizards tp, but
most of my friends are anon anyway because they don't want to get tells
asking for a tp(or sow). But when they are in tp "mode," it is a major
money making venture for druids. They can make hundreds of pp in a single
night in tp mode. Hmmm, they would not be happy. Would have to make money
like the rest of us - get lucky on a random.

And I also agree with you on just revamp some existing zones, don't make new
ones. Spend the time on existing areas now and soon, not next summer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Matt DeBarger [mailto:mattdeba@...]
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 2:08 PM
To: eqbards@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Patch in general(was Changes to Root/Snare)

Wow, some of that stuff sounds great! /end optimist
/begin pessimist
Yea right, when will those changes take place?

Higher grouping xp bonus: Would be great and would definitly enhance the
game. I like the fact that grouping is so strongly encouraged in EQ. The
only way to get people to work together is often to make them unable to
accomplish much on their own.

Revamping under used dungeons: Again, would be great for the game. Places
like Najeena are a waste (on the whole, my regular group spent 3 weeks there
getting equipment). I have never understood why they spend so many
resources making new zones, when they could spend much less effort fixing
older ones. The quickest fix to overcrowding would be to make zones like
Najena, Dagnor's Cauldron, Kedge Keep and Kithkor more appealing. Thought
they face a greater challenge than improving the loot and xp. They are
already many very viable zones in the game which are completly ignored. S
Ro (the orc/derv camps I am talking about, most people there are looking for
J Boots), Warslik's Woods (I think this may be the best 15-25 outdoors in
the game, but no one uses it), Swamp of No Hope (I dont knwo about the loot,
but that froglok city could be non stop pulling for a few low/mid level
groups), Firona Vie (for good characters only) come to mind right away. I
have had great grouping experiences in all these zones, but it is impossible
to find a group there.

Part of the problem is transportation. In EQ, moving around is slow, so
people tend to congregate in certain areas. A major change to game
transportation system would be needed to help this. SOmething along the
lines of stable where you "rent" a horse to take you to the zone and back
again for a nominal (it would have to be cheap). Combine this with an
Adventurer's Guild meeting hall/bulletin board. Where you could talk
about/post about forming a group to head to XXXXX some monster bashing. Now
all of a sudden you have a quick/easy/low risk way to get a group going in a
less used zone. Example:

You log on for your 2-3 hours after work, with your 21 bard. Zone into the
adventurers hall in firona vie. Wander over to the forming groups section of
the hall, and listen in. Nothing strikes your interest, but you remember
how great of a time you had kill renegade iksars in Warslik's Woods last
week, so you post a message on the board. "Starting a group for lvls 18-24.
Destination: Renegade Iksar Lake in Warslik's Woods". You then start asking
around in group forming area. Pretty soon you;ve added a 19 sk and a 20
mage to your party. Thats enough to start hitting the iksars. Granted you
will have to be careful with no healer, but your song, and the pet should be
able to keep things moving. You all head to the stables area, and pay 10g
for a round trip horse rental. Right click on your horse (make sure you
have a inv spot open!!), wait for the interuptable 10 second cast time (to
prevent abusing these poor beasts in battle). Zoning please wait...

Ahh the horse destination of WSW. A quick run to the lake, people mem their
spells/songs, and you are fighting away. 15 minutes later, a druid has seen
your post on the board and sends you a tell, "Got room for a 22 druid?".
"Great! We need a healer, come on over" 5 minutes later, he arrives in
your camp and joins in. 20 minutes later. Sk says, "Uh oh wife has come
home, I have to camp". He hits his horse, waits for the cast, then is back
in the Adventurer's Guild, camping for the night. (The horse is expired
then, you would also have to make them lore and no drop I would think).
Your group decides that your reall need a better tank, so you all /ran 100
and the loser hits his horse and tries recruiting one at the meeting hall.

It doesnt seem that outlandish to me. Just requires to admit that
sacraficing the "thrill" of running through 6 zones only to not find a group
is outweighed by the fun of being able to form groups in lesser used
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cook Miller-ETOP03" <etop03@...>
To: <eqbards@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2001 1:06 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Patch in general(was Changes to Root/Snare)

> This is the whole patch and some general discussion from Alan and Brad. I
> like the idea of more xp bonus for grouping and certain underused
> I agree we will see how exactly "Working as intended" is defined this
> Piemur Draggonsinger