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Message ID: 23042
Date: Fri Jan 12 14:41:54 GMT 2001
Author: chris.holden@equifax.com
Subject: Re: Play the damn mana song (was: RE: [eqbards] Proposal to change how ...)

I completely agree.... the Manasong can be both a blessing (groups love me now)
and a curse (can you play manasong only please? Well no. Any other questions?)

Following some of the suggestions on this list I use the following for rules:

1. If mana is below 40% I will play manasong and 1 other melee buff.
2. If OOM (unless it's every fight then I tell them to manage there mana better)
then Manasong only if we are still fighting and need that nuke/healing
3. Always weave mana and healing during downtime.... unless I need a break then
straight mana or healing depending on the situation.
4. It's the casters job to stay in range of the song. I am not going to move
around to get them in

If they don't like it tough... leave the group or do just what you did.... in a
melee heavy group last night (SK, Paladin, 2 Bards, Cleric and Shaman w/pet) I
played mana (I was the low level bard) and the other Bard played melee buffs so
the casters could buff all of us.. then went to my melee bank until time to buff
again.. once we were Fully buffed we had 2 pullers and were chewing threw things
in the Overthere (we staggered them. One mob almost dead go pull, other mob
almost dead go pull. It was non stop. Hell the Cleric got to nuke some even!).
Until we decided to go to the Sarnak ruins and the other bard had an AOE song up
and aggroed a sarnak who promptly told all his friends. :-)

BTW there is a spot in Overthere next to SF were the pathing is totally screwed
up. We were fear kiting by there and the mobs just ran in to the wall. Kept fear
up and killed them. Should I bug that or leave it to bad pathing? Reason I ask
is I don't want to get in trouble for a bug exploit.

Can someone send me there downtime macro for weaving Mana and healing? I think I
need to set those up so I can spare my hands.


| | "Stephen E. |
| | McCloskey" |
| | <s.mccloskey@i|
| | ntest.com> |
| | |
| | 01/12/01 09:12|
| | AM |
| | Please respond|
| | to eqbards |
| | |
| |
| To: eqbards@egroups.com |
| cc: (bcc: Chris Holden/Technology/Equifax) |
| Subject: Play the damn mana song (was: RE: [eqbards] Proposal to |
| change how ...) |

Ugggg. Last night was the first time someone actually said to me, "just
play mana song". I always thought I wouldn't get insulted but I did. I
told him that he had to be kidding, it's going to take longer to kill the
mobs and you will be healing more. He was the only caster in the group, so
I choose to buff the melee people. After a couple minutes of arguing about
it (he found out I was right) he said, "got to log, bye".

The mana song is a blessing and a curse. Get a friggin' enchanter if you
want constant mana regen.

38 bard

>Fortunately most groups don't actually
>threaten to kick me out when I refuse to just play manasong in actual
> Kit

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