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Message ID: 23159
Date: Tue Jan 16 14:26:00 GMT 2001
Author: chris.holden@equifax.com
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Re: Downtime Macro for mana/heal (was Re: Play the damn mana song (wa s: RE: Pro

Thanks to both of you for these. I need to set these up tonight.


| | "Olgwinn |
| | Pendragun" |
| | <olgwinn@hotm|
| | ail.com> |
| | |
| | 01/16/01 |
| | 09:13 AM |
| | Please |
| | respond to |
| | eqbards |
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| To: eqbards@egroups.com |
| cc: (bcc: Chris Holden/Technology/Equifax) |
| Subject: [eqbards] Re: Downtime Macro for mana/heal (was Re: Play|
| the damn mana song (wa s: RE: Pro |

Your downtime macro is almost exactly the same as mine... hehe I think the
only difference is that I don't put the emote in. But I do have one hotkey
for situations that require it:


BTW, this is my favorite macro...

/assist TANKNAME
/cast 7

Very simple, very straight-forward, very handy. 7 is my battle buff
(currently Verses of Victory in a tank group)

The assist line is at the top for easy changing the name of the tank to

Olgwinn Pendragun
Bard of 50 Missed Notes

> Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2001 15:50:36 -0500
> From: Cook Miller-ETOP03 <etop03@...>
>Subject: Downtime Macro for mana/heal (was Re: Play the damn mana song (wa
>s: RE: Prop...etc.)
>Can someone send me there downtime macro for weaving Mana and healing? I
>think I need to set those up so I can spare my hands.
>I am just catching up with the many emails of late. Downtime macro I use:
>/pause 5, /stopsong
>/pause 30, /cast 3
>/pause 5, /stopsong
>/cast 4
>/e sings a soothing tune
>I always stopsong at the beginning of my macro since most time I already
>have a song up that needs stopping. My pause 5 is time I need to recover
>Cast 3 is either Cantana or HOR depending on group makeup(Cantana for
>heavier caster group and HOR for heavier melee). My pause 30 is for my
>timing of casting time for buff icon to come up before next song.
>Stopsong again and pause to recover.
>Cast 4 is Chorus of Clarity.
>My emote is just let everyone I group with know what I am doing.
>I leave Clarity song going for two pulses and hit the macro again. If I
>don't pay attention or go afk for a sec, clarity continues to play = happy
>In general, I use three macros during combat. Based on my own experience
>and knowledge gained from this list, they are only 2 line macros.
>Each combat macro uses this base structure:
>/pause 5, /stopsong
>/cast x (where x is the number of the song you want to cast).
>I label them Fight 1, Fight 2 and Fight 3. If I need a different song, I
>either edit the macro to a different song already memmed or mem in the
>song. What does this do for you? I only have to hit three keys to twist
>instead of six(don't have to stop a song anymore). I only use 2 line
>in case there is a problem and I need to do something else. Macros can't
>stopped(that I know of) so long macros can cause a problem. (ie, you just
>started a long macro, then big bad mob spawns on cleric, you want to charm
>it, but ack! you can't due to the macro must run its course... you can see
>the potential problem)
>Piemur Draggonsinger
>Bard of 39 Songs
>The Nameless

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