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Message ID: 23568
Date: Fri Jan 26 16:06:26 GMT 2001
Author: Cyr, Thierry
Subject: RE: [eqbards] My first experience with Bard aggro....

Say hi to Erico for me Halana 8)

welcome to the hate list 8)

-----Original Message-----
From: Cranfill, Wendy [mailto:Wendy_Cranfill@...]
Sent: January 26, 2001 10:43 AM
To: 'eqbards@egroups.com'
Subject: [eqbards] My first experience with Bard aggro....

Gonna tell a long story so bear with me :)

Well, it finally happened. Tani started out untwinked, worked hard through
level 20ish. But then I started to find little extra pieces of armor and
twink her out a bit. So from level 20 to 40, shes been in lake of ill omen,
frontier mountains, overthere and now iceclad. I love soloing and duoing
her.. its great fun. But I've never had much of this "bard aggro" problem I
always hear about... until last night.

Not sure what happened, all I know is that dire wolves usually have a fairly
small aggro radius, they will attack but you practically have to pull their
tails. Well, after fighting a while, I run to a wolf and start fighting..
suddenly, I notice another wolf running right at me from a ways off. I move
a little out of his path and notice that he veers right towards me. "Hrm" I
think, this is odd.

Suddenly I realize my health bar is dropping rappidly, and I f9 and see
there are 3 or 4 wolves on me.. "Hrm" I think again, and fire up selos...
start running a little, thinking i will kite them a bit.

I start running and NO JOKE, all these wolves just start joining in, running
from out of sight to find me.. I f9 again and notice literally a PACK of
dire wolves after me - can easily count 8 or 9... "Hrm".... Now a sane
person would zone, but I am anything but sane. My friend had another
friend's druid logged at the gate, so I say "Log Erico in and help
me!!!!"... he does so and we procede to kite, melee, dot and otherwise kill
them over the next 15 - 20 minutes. I may have miscounted but i think there
were at least 12 with more adding in now and then.

Thinking "Ok they're all dead" I start out again. I take two steps.. and a
dire wolf charges me... start fighting him, and notice 2 more charging me
out of nowhere....this continues for 10 minutes.

I finally zone, come back, all is happy... then group with erico for wolf
form and .... all that aggro is back on me again!!!!!

Anyway, most of you probably have this happen regularly but it was a first
for me and it was INSANE. My roomates were wondering why I was cackling and
laughing at midnight.

The good news is I got a full bubble of yellow in 40 in half an hour *grins*

Halana, 58th Shaman
Tani, 40th Bard
Solusek Ro

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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