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Message ID: 23625
Date: Mon Jan 29 15:05:01 GMT 2001
Author: Reeves, Patrick W
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Comments of someone who is Way behind on email!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rebecca Small [mailto:rsmall@...]
> Mediocre players: Playing my baby cleric (L9) last night and get asked to
> heal a bard twink. When I stand up, I see he's singing Hymn. Where's your
> lute, boy? Yep, this guy will be a good bard, you can just tell . . .
> Another bard twink I saw the other day was clearly singing Selos and
> a distance that made me really wonder why he didn't equip a drum. I would
> have in the same circumstances. Maybe I'm just a speed freak though. I
> think I'll learn to be a good cleric though, after all, I sit right beside
> master, hehe. I can count on him providing feedback!
Not just twinks are mediocre players. Last night a group of us went to the
Bar/Armorer area in Sebilis. Was me (55 bard), 59 SK, 59 Necro, 53 shamen,
54 cleric, 54 paladin. We rocked the place, I had no trouble CC'ing
anything. Well this group broke up and I joined another group. Now for the
mediocre group----- me, 57 paladin, 52 cleric, 59 druid, 59 ranger, 54
rogue. The damage output on the second group was killin things fast. The
druid and the ranger were idiots though. They insisted on using root as
crowd control (even after I repeatedly told them I had been CC'ing with no
trouble for the last 2 hours in Bar/Armorer). The stupid ranger was pulling
singles by rooting the extras at the spawn points. So mid battle we would
end up with more mobs then if he had just pulled the 2 or 3 that where
there. Then he pulled the bar room (using this lame root pulling) we got 4
adds all once (they ported in on us). The cleric went invulnerable and just
as I got the adds under control the frickin druid evac'd us! Leaving the
invulverable cleric behind to die. /sigh

> The FAQ: Talies, in reference to the last question, don't have a 49th song
> now? Melody of Ervaj from Velious is listed as being 49th level. And
> speaking of the issues of bad bards, wonder if we could get that fabulous
> FAQ posted on the Concert Hall. It might possibly help the new crop of
> bardlings.

The 49 song is Shield of Song. Melody of Erjav is 50th not 49th.

Ro-kenn Swiftsong - Ayonae Ro server
55th level Wood Elf Troubador

EQ Bard Song Analysis