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Message ID: 2383
Date: Thu Jun 24 20:42:13 BST 1999
Author: Roop Dirump
Subject: Re: high level bard suggestion

Thank'y for the response JM!

My post was actually inspired by a thread on the -other- EQ Bards list on onelist (one list, ironic!). I decided I'd throw my response from there to here, maybe get a few comments on it since this list has much more traffic. I still like my idea of specializing in an instrument, hehe. Personally, I'm no where near the level of these fellows from this thread, so I'll refrain judgement on the powers of high level bards until I am one. I guess I'll cut and paste your comments over there so those guys can read them!


(who promises he'll never do this thread sharing again)

Comments from other list:
From: mike <hellrazor@...>

Hi Crip Fireblade from FoH here...
lvl 49 bard on Veeshan

My question or statement is really bards are totally screwed over at high levels.
Not only do they have no chance of meleeing even a tenth as well as a warrior, but there
are NO high level songs that are worthwhile. Berserk at lvl 42 is barely better than
celerity at lvl 36, which is BARELY better than anthem de arms at level 10. Im still
using chains which i aquired at lvl 23 along with bellow from level 12. The only reason
anyone will group with a bard is to get the mana song from level 32. The new songs that
were added about a month ago are either worthless or hidden deep deep somewhere (if they
exist at all). I have searched everywhere and im still missing six songs. Just my little
rant, respon if you have any insight. (I hope i didn't discourage any of you lower level
bards out there =P)

From: heather cantrall <tarotgrl@...>

I totally agree with you and feel your pain heh
I recently stopped playing my level 29 bard for similar reasons. I think
bards are totally unbalanced compared to other classes, I have to group or
die, i can't solo anything unless i kite it or its about 10 levels below me.
I'm very frustrated, she is so hard to play. I started a druid and i'm a
lot happier with her. She's a lot more self sufficient than my bard and i
can solo if i want to. Basically it seems to me that a bard is nothing more
than a very weak tank char with some fun songs and not enough damage
capability or ability to take much damage either.

From: "Marc Stone" <mes5415@...>

tell you one thing, bards are not all that bad. From the beginning though
you need to group with people. One of the worst things about this class, is
that you HAVE to be grouped unless you learn how to kite using speed and the
level 2 dmg song. Takes a long time though. I know one person that just ran
around the zone picking up MOBs doing this and gained SOO much exp it wasnt

Most of a bard's spells are useless though, especially at higher levels. The
ones that are best are celerity and the mana song. other than that it just
seems like verant just through in songs cause they couldnt think of decent
ones. But bards are fun, and you can wear a lot of items and armor unlike
other non warriors. you also get to use "spells" with no mana cost, well you
could until the recent changes. I havent played a high level bard but i know
the highest level ones on my server, and they seem overly pleased. The key
is to know your weaknesses and strengths, and try to maximize your

I play a druid but I already learned mine. I cant tank major monsters but I
can take a few hits when i need to pull a MOB off a dieing friend. I know
just how many heals to get off before I am at risk of getting jacked by
MOBs. I know the limit of my fire based spells and where they are useless
at. I know how to maximize the use of my outdoor spells and how to get by in
dungeons after I cannot use them anymore. Just be patient and learn how to
survive. Its like all classes and you will learn to love the class despite
the short comings.

From: mike <hellrazor@...>

ye but what good are those items if you can't do anything with them? The fact
is, bards are great at lower levels, especially in their teens, but once they're
in their 30s, then their 40s, and finally 50, well they start to suck. A level
40 bard is almost equal in power to a level 50 bard. It makes no sense, and it
doesn't seem verant is making an effort in fixing them, they're actually making
bards worse.