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Message ID: 23852
Date: Wed Feb 14 15:31:33 GMT 2001
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Answers to Questions on Loot Rights

I was thinking the same thing, but I suppose situations exist where having
a player with two characters can be advantageous. For instance, if you
really, really want a particular class for a specific function (e.g. manna
battery, evacer, puller) & the only character available is on a player's
other PC, it might just be worth it to the group to have a bard who only
sings the manna song, or a wizard who sits around waiting for things to get
dicey, or a monk who pulls, feigns, and doesn't get up again until it's
time to make another pull. </shrug> Any class played that way is a waste
of the class, but still, maybe the group really, really, wants that
specific need filled.

Evulia of Tunare

Christopher Sanders
<christopher.sanders@exp To: "'eqbards@yahoogroups.com'"
erian.com> <eqbards@yahoogroups.com>
02/14/01 09:49 AM Subject: RE: [eqbards] Answers to
Please respond to Questions on Loot Rights

Hehe...the loot fairy is welcome to visit me while I'm away. :)

My only question is, how can a person play more than one character at a
effectively? Yesterday in Dalnir, I was doing CC (heh...it's weird being
high enough level to say this) for my group, and it was more than enough to
keep me busy. There is no way I could have played, say, a warrior at the
same time, at least not effectively, much less a class that takes more
situational awareness, like a chanter or cleric (or a bard. :) ).

I would be hesitant to be in a group where the same person was trying to be
2 classes in the same group/raid. Especially in high risk, multiple mob
dungeons, where not even Selos has a chance to save my hide.

Sounds like things have worked out, though. That's always a good thing.

Nearly 30 after a few days in Dalnir! Woo!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca Small [mailto:rsmall@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 9:07 AM
To: 'eqbards@yahoogroups.com'
Subject: [eqbards] Answers to Questions on Loot Rights

To answer some questions:
<snip>I'm a little confused by a couple things. Were all people in both
groups in your guild? [Yes everyone in both groups is technically in our
guild] And 2 of the people (including the tag-along
Enchanter) were being played by your guild leader? [ The guild leader is
Queen and her husband the king were both playing 2 characters each. She was
playing the second L44 enchanter and her shaman and the king was playing
warrior and a cleric] "Walk on the
guild" means leaving the guild? [Yes I mean leave the guild. Our guild is
based on the chivalric values and while this was hopefully only a momentary
lapse of clear reasoning, I wanted them to see just how seriously we
considered this issue.]

As to rules, we have loot rules to this effect that the king wrote that
primaries get first cut. We discussed this at the time with several
guildmates and some were kinda divided over the rightness of it. I guess
mudding factor was the chanter was actually there. We're a fairly small
guild nowadays and this is the first disagreement over loot we've had. I
really think it wasn't greed as much as it was them having been too
The king has an odd work schedule (doctor) and so they have never been
involved in Planes raids or high level dungeon raids with anyone else. We
tend to hang with other guilds like Venator Sapentia as we have several
guilded or ex'excal friends in VS and so we get out more you might say.

As to multiples, we currently own 4 accounts: we've had friends quit with
decent level characters and so we took over the account in one case and
added the third just prior to that for bankspace mostly. We have a 3rd pc
our office in easy reach of either of us so we do play up to 3 lower level
characters at once usually wizard, necro, and a healer. We play with our
friends alternates who are similiar level and there's never any issue over
loot. We have a third generation of characters started and nearing their
20's now as well. It proves we're addicted of course but it's given us a
chance to try out alot more character types; we've probably got one of
everything at this point. I do think there are classes and places where
playing 3 characters is not a good option. A couple of our friends have
gotten second accounts from friends or family members as well so now we
an address book of account names and passwords so we can move people and
items at will. Imagine the surprise of our 40s ranger friend when he logs
back on Saturday to find he's wielding Yaks.

Thanks for your comments everyone, I wanted a reality check from some 3rd
parties and I appreciate the input.

Halana: we've had the flu, and a 24 hr stomach bug both recently. Got to
love the daycare syndrome, we get every bug known to man. Fortunately my
daughter rarely gets sick herself.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Brilinnia Ban'Sidhe (creeping up oh so slowly on 55)
Excalibur, Xegony

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