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Message ID: 23871
Date: Tue Feb 20 18:22:17 GMT 2001
Author: Matt DeBarger
Subject: Re: [eqbards] "Shouldn't you be playing Manasong!"

Heh I had an attack of the "Play song XXXXXX" characters this weekend. From
lvl 52 paladins who insist their guild has extensivly tested all bard haste
songs and they ALL stack with enchanter haste. To lvl XX drewd who insisted
I wasn't playing mana song since she was always LOM (I personally think it
had more to do with her casting group damage shield after our puller (and
only tank, sans the necro skelly) had left to pull). I stood right next to
her, watched the blue particles on her, etc...

Both people had happy "endings" though.

Story 1
Elfson (me) "Are you going to haste, <enchanter name>. If so I will mem a
new song"
Chanter "I'll haste, do you want it?" (What a great enchanter, she knew I
might be using instruments instead of weapons!)
Elfson "Nah, I dont think a 40% increase in my kabonging damage will be
worth the mana"
Pally "Sing haste song, they stack"
Elfson (I should have this sentence hotkeyed for how often I say) "There is
a bard haste song that stacks, but it is a whopping 5% haste, its not worth
it. The song icons will both stay on your buff list as the stat bonuses for
my song will stick, but the haste will not stack"
Chanter "I'm pretty sure Elf is right" (I love her, she even late defused a
fight between me and a drewd who trained us, killing me)
Pally "No my guild (name left out to protect the few people in this parade
of fools who I like) tested it, they stack"
<two fights go by, I am playing Cantata(34), Shield of Songs (I can't decide
if I like this or Niv's for when we lack a cleric), and Absonant Binding
(spelling butchered)>
Pally "Where is haste song?????" (I may have added a question mark or two,
<3 fights, same song mix, chanter, drewd and I are discussing merit of Rune
Song vs Regen song, chanter loves rune song, drewd thinks regen would be
<by the way, we kicking major butt right now, an uber warrior is pulling 3
mobs at a time, and we never stop and rest>
Elfson's Buddy <via tell> "Got room for a dead sexy rogue and his feet?" (ok
my friends are weird...)
Elfson <via reply> "Not yet, let me see if anyone is leaving soon"
<target pally>
<disband pally>
God I love being leader...
Elfson "Sorry I had to do that, if you guys want I will disband and you can
reform with him"
Other 3 group members <paraphrase> "No that ok, we'll stay, should we look
for a 6th?"
<necro was Japanese I think, never said 3 words in the 2 hours he was
Elfson "I know a rogue with some sexy feet who wants in, think we'll be ok
with no back up heal?"

Story 2
Drewd <different from above drewd, only the warrior is the same> "LOM, play
mana song"
Elfson "Been going since fight ended"
Drewd "I dont see it on my screen"
Elfson "It doesnt have an icon"
Drewd "Then why am I still LOM?"
<I get up and make sure she was in area of spell>
Elfson "You're getting mana song, make sure you med close to the group, its
a small song."
Drewd "Play mana song!"
UberWarrior (who's primary I was on a 10 hour raid with the day before) "See
those little blue sparkles? Thats mana song!"
(I think at this point Uber Warrior lost it, he had been drumbling about the
drewd for a time)
UberWarrior "For once, I'm in a decent group in Karnors, and I have to
listen a PhatlewtDrood complain about one of the few bards I've seen on this
server who actually know what the hell they're doing! Shut the hell up!!!!"

Anyway it was nice to some other people tired of clueless players telling
bards what to do.

Alsi it was a fun weekend for me. Got to raid CHardok (5 kings, 3 Queens),
then took a group of lower lvl guildies to Kaesora to get xp while a Ranger
and I got our keys. Of course some idiot warrior looted my fang... Grr.....
But all in all it was fun...